Lucky shots, every one-- this thing would hardly stay still for a second.
I'd spotted him from the cabin window, and ran down to see what sort of flying machine was flitting around my flowerbeds.
It's just a big insect, with gigantic wings for fluttering by.
A few more stops on a few more marigolds:
Those were the best butterfly pics taken with the Canon Rebel that I bought last year using STEEM rewards-- my old camera had grown a fungus which was showing up in the photos. The camera upgrade was absolutely worth it, and my ability to use my Steemit rewards to do it is more proof that Steemit works. I'm not a professional photographer, but I've found that I can be rewarded for my photos here. I sincerely thank you all for looking at my butterfly pics.
Next; DEER are Attacking my Garden, and What I'm Doing About It

Very beautiful clicks ,as it is very difficult to take pics as they are contineously flying here and there.But you are lucky as it sit on your flower plants.
Thanks! I do have a lot of flowers around the garden this year, attracting more color.
You didn't show the after pictures of the flower sucked dry by this large creature
It was too sad, and the radiation levels were through the roof that day...
Awesome and magnificent shots too good this makes me happy :)
Glad you like!
Those are gorgeous lucky shots! If only it had been there when I was, maybe I would have been able to demonstrate my butterfly whispering and got a few pics of it trying to drink my skin lol ;)
I thought about that recently when the butterflies started showing up, I remember you telling me about your gift, thou flower of the meadow. ;)
Those are really good pictures. Do you know the type of butterfly?
I don't know what type it is, maybe someone will come along and identify it. Thanks!
It's some kind of swallowtail or tiger swallowtail. I'm not an expert but I know they love parsley and they seem to appear by magic when you grow it.
There is a little parsley plant growing near where these marigolds are planted, right next to them. Interesting! Thanks
I love butterflies. We have a butterfly bush in the backyard and it's so spiritual to see them fly around it. Thanks. @therealpaul