🌳 Hike with me #2: Awesome nature in Vienna - the Wilhelminenberg! 🇦🇹

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

When travelling Austria, most people think that they have to decide between visiting our beautiful capital Vienna and going out in the marvelous nature of our beloved country. But guess what – you can do both the same day. 

Today I will show you a beautiful hiking area located only a few bus stops away from Vienna’s inner city. You can enjoy a classical breakfast in one of the historical cafes before you go hiking and you will still be back in time for some art, shopping or a theater. 

I am talking about the “Wilheminenberg”, a little mountain in the west of Vienna. Enjoy as I take you on a little picture guide through this beautiful area.   

Die meisten Leute glauben, dass sie sich bei einem Österreichurlaub zwischen einem Besuch unserer schönen Hauptstadt Wien oder einem Wanderurlaub in unserer bezaubernden Natur entscheiden müssen. Aber wisst ihr was – beides ist gleichzeitig möglich!   

Ich werde euch heute eine Wandergegend vorstellen, die nur wenige Busstationen von der Altstadt entfernt liegt. Ihr könnt den Tag also mit einem klassischen Frühstück in einem traditionellen Cafe starten und werdet nach dem Wandern trotzdem rechtzeitig für Kunst, Shopping oder eine Theatervorstellung wieder zurück in der Stadt sein.    

Die Rede ist vom „Wilhelminenberg“, einem Hügel westlich des Stadtzentrums. Lehnt euch zurück und genießt eine kurze Bilderreise durch diese bezaubernde Gegend.    

After you have arrived (easy reachable with public transport) I suggest you take the “Stadtwanderweg 4a” (=city hiking trail number 4a).   

Nach eurer Ankunft (gut mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreichbar) kann ich euch den „Stadtwanderweg 4a“ empfehlen.  

This hiking trail will take you through the beautiful woods of the “Wilhelminenberg”. It is neither too long nor very steep – so the trail shouldn’t be a problem for children or elderly people as well.   

Dieser Wanderweg führt euch durch die schönen Wälder des „Wilhelminenberg”. Er ist weder zu lange noch sehr steil – er ist daher in meinen Augen auch für Kinder und Senioren bestens geeignet.  

Some parts are surrounded by a fence and protected from human influence. What you can see behind the fence is how the woods would like without mankind. Isn’t this untouched area of nature just amazingly beautiful?  

Teile des Waldes sind von einem Zaun umgeben um ihn vor menschlichen Einflüssen weitestgehend abzuschirmen. So kann man hinter dem Zaun beobachten, wie ein von Menschen unberührter Wald aussieht. Ein Urwald mitten in Wien also – einfach wundervoll oder? 

Next to the trail there are countless huge trees with a little touch of silver in their bark – My pictures can’t nearly capture how amazing this looks in real. Still an amazing view.    

Am Rande des Weges befinden sich unzählige Bäume mit einer silbern angehauchten Rinde – Meine Bilder können diese magische Stimmung leider nur sehr schlecht einfangen. Dennoch sehr schön wie ich finde.  

Just look at how small my girlfriend looks next to this giant of a tree.  

Faszinierend, wie klein meine Freundin neben diesem gigantischen Baum wirkt.  

If you need a break there are many wooden tables where you can enjoy whatever you have brought with you. Even if you have no need for food – just sit down, enjoy the sounds of nature and take some breaths of fresh air.   

Wenn ihr eine Pause braucht, habt ihr dazu bei einigen hölzernen Jausentischen die Möglichkeit dazu. Auch wenn ihr keinen Hunger habt – setzt euch hin, genießt die Klänge der Natur und atmet etwas frische Waldluft ein.   

After a short break, go on and enjoy the remaining parts of the trail.   

Nach einer kurzen Pause könnt ihr die restlichen Teile des Wanderwegs erkunden.  

Since many schools use this area as a destination for daytrips, you might find some camps built with fallen trees. Beautiful to see, that some kids still can have fun when not sitting in front of a computer screen.   

Da die Gegend von vielen Schulen als Ausflugsziel genutzt wird, könnt ihr möglichweise Lager finden, die die Kinder aus Fallholz gebaut haben bewundern. Schön wenn Kinder heutzutage auch nach Spaß abseits des Bildschirms haben.   

When I was younger, I loved building tree houses. Whenever I walk by a perfect treehouse-place like this, beautiful memories about my childhood come up in my mind. Just imagine sitting up there and enjoying the noises of the small creek beneath your feet.   

Als kleiner Junge habe ich wahnsinnig gerne Baumhäuser gebaut. Wenn ich heutzutage bei einer perfekten Baumhausmöglichkeit wie dieser vorbeigehe, kommen daher immer sehr schöne Erinnerungen an meine Kindheit hoch. Stellt euch einfach vor ihr sitzt auf diesem Baumhaus und unter euch rauscht der kleine Bach durch. Einfach wunderbar.   

The real houses around this beautiful area are rather huge and majestic – even the worth of a whale account like @ned probably wouldn’t be enough for this one.   

Die Häuser und Villen in dieser Gegend sind oft riesig und majestätisch schön gestaltet – wahrscheinlich würde nicht einmal der Wert eines Walaccounts wie @ned für diesen „Palast“ reichen.  

I hope you enjoyed this trip through woods of the „Wilhelminenberg“.  Feel free to ask me if you have any questions about this hike or how to get their. Until next time :)  

Ich hoffe, dass euch dieser Bericht über den “Wilhelminenberg” gefallen hat. Bei Fragen könnt ihr mich gerne kontaktieren. Bis zum nächsten Mal :)

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!steemitworldmap 48.22272845 lat 16.27753258 long Join me on a beautiful hike through woods next to Vienna! D3SCR


Such a Mesmerizing pictures. I want to travel all the beautiful place in this world but bad luck I haven't traveled 1 % of my own country :(
hatts off to you

Yeah it can be really frustrating to see how many beautiful places this world has to offer - and that you will probably only travel a few percent. However I think we should just try to see as many beauty as possible :)

exactly :)!!

Wooow nice idea and journey, would love to go!! Those are not houses, those are mansions lol so huge! I actually still have the three house that I made when I was younger :)
My german is not so good, I do speak it but is my third language so i can say weird things, my question is : Does german is imprescindible?
PS: Loving your post!

True, I also wouldn't consider this just a house!
Nice, can you share pictures of it? I love tree houses!
Imprescindible is definetly availbable in german - but what is the exact question?

PS: Thank you :)

Haha, my question was if I need to speak good in german to visit that place, because if the answers is yes then I'm in troubles and I gonna have to find a person who translate. I gonna try to take pictures for you to see it :)

The english level in Vienna's tourism should be quite high! You will not need german ;)
If you still need help feel free to contact me!

Oki, sure I will! Thanks :)

Nature is amazing. I like hiking and Austria is a beautiful country to visit

It definetly is! Have you been to Austria yet? :)

Not yet, I planned a vacation this winter to go skiing in Austria

A great idea! Whats your destination?

I will go to Galtür. I can't wait.

I wish you a nice stay - Hopefully you will have some good memories to steem about after your holiday!

I like reading your post @theaustrianguy, keep it up!

Glad you like it, hope to see you on my other posts as well :) Have a nice day!

your are welcome dear friend. I will keep on following your wonderful post. I like reading your post

what an awesome hiking path. Gorgeous photos :) . Upvoted

Glad you like it, thank you very much :)

Most welcome 😊

Hi @theaustrianguy the is Awesome :)

Thank you very much :)

Beautiful place and well captured photos. Nicely written. Really hope I get to see and write about this place one day. Keep it up xx

You definetly would enjoy it! Maybe steemit will help you to achieve this dream of yours :)

very beautifull photos 💕💕

Glad you enjoyed it, thank you :)

Das ist ja bei uns in Wien, cool!

Das ist das schöne - Auch wenn man in Wien lebt. entdeckt man immer wieder neue schöne Plätze :)

Hi @theaustrianguy, I wish I would have known this when I was at Vienna a few years back!!! I think the places that are more underground and not that mainstream are far more special. Though beautiful castles like the ones you have in Europe are just amazing.

I'm looking forward to read more about you, so I will follow you :)



I hope you still had an amazing stay in Vienna? Have you been to different parts of Austria as well?

Great, thank you :)

I only visited Vienna, my brother lived there for a few years so I went there for a visit like 10 years ago. I remember I visited an art museum, I can't remember the name but there was an H. R. Giger exposition which was amazing. Maybe someday I'll go back to Austria.

Have a nice day!!

If you like art Vienna is also a great place to be at - Unfortunately it is not my biggest interest so I don't quite know :)

Thanks, you too :)

Thank you for the walk in the woods! Lovely pictures and great to hear about something other than Vienna, which is a city you have to love anyway. Walking is good and with your pictures one can imagine the smells and sounds of it all. Very fresh and lovely.

Glad you liked it :) Have you been to Vienna before?

I have indeed and loved it. I did all the touristy things (you sometimes have to on press trips) yo know the palaces and the Sacher Torte, but I loved the outskirts and beautiful buildings and food! There was one 'tasting menu' restaurant I think it was called Andersen and the chef put on a ten course menu to die for. Great city, have to go back.

Yeah, you can eat quite awesome in Vienna! Maybe I should do some reviews of nice food places in the future! What do you think? :)

I think that a brilliant idea. My husband is a retired professional chef and a great cook! Food posts would be popular to. Look forward to some food stuf on your posts from now on! Stay in touch, no-one communicates anymore. Happy Steeming!

That camps built are like in a fantasy movies , very beautiful and it made me to want to go in this weekend on a walk in the woods :)

Thank You!

You definetly should do a walk in the woods! The fresh air and the sight of nature will clear your head from all the work stress :)

Because of your post, i actualy was running in the woods and it made me feel like i will conquer the world today :D
It was 6 am and the sun was just about to rise and gave me a lot of energy :)

Thank You!

Great - I am glad if I can inspire people to go out and enjoy the nature. And from a doctors point of view I also love that you are doing something for your health! :)

Deine Fotos machen Lust, mal wieder in Wien vorbei zu schauen. Ich denke dabei aber tatsächlich immer an die Stadt. Dass es da so schöne Natur in der Nähe gibt, wusste ich nicht.

Gibt in Wien für jeden noch einiges zu entdecken - Habe 5 Jahre dort gelebt und finde trotzdem öfters einige neue Schätze :)

Wow, great post @theaustrianguy! Makes me want to put on my trail shoes and run... looks like heaven to explore! I've been to Vienna but never into the nearby forests. Great meeting a fellow adventurer with an awesome profile - I'm now following you.

Great, thank you :) If you like running, did you check out my "Fifty runs till May" challenge? 100SBD are the prize ;)
Have a nice day!

Awesome... I'm in and will provide weekly updates. Unfortunately I'm to late to resteem your original post - can I still join and qualify for the price? ;)

Great you are in! Just resteem the second "Fifty runs till may" post and post "I am in" under the original post! Sure you still can join - Just do these things in order to keep it fair for everybody :)

Even with all our technology and the inventions that make modern life so much easier than it once was, it takes just one big natural disaster to wipe all that away and remind us that, here on Earth, we're still at the mercy of nature.

The good human is the friend of all living things.

Beautiful words :) Thank you for stopping by!

Toller Post, Ich wohne übrigens ganz in der Nähe, beim Kolbeterberg im 14.Bezirk :)

Sehr nett :) Dann warst du sicher schon oft dort oder?

Ja natürlich - ich liebe den Wienerwald! Einer der Gründe, warum Wien eine so hohe Lebensqualität hat.

Definitiv :) Die Nähe von Kultur, Geschichte und Natur ist perfekt!

wow, nice pics. lovely nature!

Glad you like it! Yeah, it is amazing what mother nature can create!

Been to Vienna a couple of times but never to this woods - thanks for taking me there!

You are welcome :) What did you like most about in Vienna? Have you been to different parts of Austria as well?

First time we were there with young kids, I think Lippizaner and Schonbrunn were the big hits. Just a few years ago we stayed overnight on a river cruise, my wife and I just wandered around revisiting places we'd been the first time, soaking up the atmosphere of the city.

First trip we also saw Salzburg (my wife's a big big Sound of Music fan) and Innsbruck, in the cruise we came down the Danube from Passau and stopped at Melk and Krems before reaching Vienna and then on to Budapest.

So I guess we've seen a bit of your wonderful country.

Awesome :) But it sounds like you concetrated on the bigger cities - Did you see some of our beautiful nature? (Expect the Danube of course)

You're right. We did drive most of the way between Vienna and Innsbruck in an ice-storm - with my Canadian winter driving skills I was the only one on the autobahn - does that count as nature?

It is very stunning. As a hiking lover, I will definitely love to visit it if I travel to Vienna

If you love hiking you should stay tuned for my upcoming posts ;) In the next days an awesome new "Hike with me" part will be released since I did a good hike today! Seey ou there :)

Schöne Bilder und gute Geschichte. Ich bin auch sehr gerne im Wald, aber irgendwie ist das hier in Japan gar nicht so einfach. Man muss ja erst mal aus der urbanen gegen rauskommen, und das kann manchmal ganz schön dauern. Bei Yaho und gute Geschichte. Ich bin auch sehr gerne im Wald, aber irgendwie ist das hier in Japan gar nicht so einfach. Man muss ja erst mal aus der urbanen gegen rauskommen, und das kann manchmal ganz schön dauern. Reisfelder sind zwar auch schön anzuschauen, aber jetzt um die Jahreszeit sind die alle abgeerntet und übrig sind nur die braunen Strünke. In Österreich war ich auch schon ein paarmal, meistens zum snowboarden, in Wien nur einmal am Flughafen zum Umsteigen. Aber das wird sich hoffentlich in der Zukunft auch einmal ändern. Leider gibt es jetzt keinen Direktflug mehr von Tokio nach Wien, aber in ein paar Jahren bin ich hoffentlich wieder in der Heimat, und dann wird natürlich ein ausführlicher Besuch von und Wien auch einmal anstehen. Noch ein schönes Wochenende und viele Grüße aus Niigata

Danke für die Grüße aus dem fernen Japan - Ist es dort wirklich so schlimm mit der Luft wie man immer hört? Freund von mir war mal in Tokio und meinte es ist wie wenn du dich neben die Autobahn stellst an einem heißen Sommertag...

Kann ich nicht bestätigen. Tokzo ist zwar ne riesige Großstadt, aber das die Luft jetzt viel dreckiger ist als Berlin finde ich nicht. Es ist aber immer Sommer super schwül, vielleicht hat das deinen Bekannten ein bisschen abgetörnt

Ja, kann gut sein ;) Und Schwimmen ist ja in Japan nicht so beliebt oder?

Sag das nicht. Die
Meister Schulen und Kindergarten haben hier einen eigenen Pool und besonders im Sommer sie die öffentlichen Schwimmbäder auch sehr beliebt. Am Meer ist das dagegen was anderes, weil besonders die Frauen hier gerne die Sonne vermeiden

wooow so amazing post and photographs @theaustrianguy !!!!! I really plan to visit austrian as I travel around the world a lot!!! I love the place, is also where Arnold Schwarzenegger lived !!! :D

You can also check my blog if you want as I provide motivation for life and business! any upvote, resteem, comment is welcome as I am building to do steemIt part time!

have a great weekend! :D

Yeah, he is one of our most famous people around the world :)
You should visit Austria for sure!

I will, thank you! Have a great one as well!

thanks a lot!!!!
wish you all the best in your life and on SteemIt life, and looking forward reading more of your posts! :D

Thank you - I wish you all the best as well :)

thank you @theaustrianguy !!!! wish you all the best too! :)

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Excellent post

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That was awesome! Can you do a review on a local "farmhouse" restaurant? This is what one of my good friends called the local farmhouses that converted to outdoor/rural restaurant for a number of weeks as other local farmers provided the produce. Been to Austria 9 times...love it. Want a good workout? Gitti City:)

A very good publication, well done, my friend, you always publish something that works for us

Das ist sehr schön

Looks a great place to hike and beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing :)

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Thank you for the terrific post..

I totally agree with you. I am the comer . Please stay with me...
thank you.

Thanks for the info and the nice pics.