We simply breath in and breath out, some consciously and some of us unconsciously, right? But how many of us think, what's the source of that ingredient coming out to help us survive? Only a few of us, isn't it so? Because of this few numbers of people being aware, some hazardous consequences have been happening since the beginning of this year. Can you guess what I'm talking about? You might have guessed it right! If not, let me tell you, I am talking about the seriousness of Climate Change. I am saying few numbers are conscious because if all of us become aware of it we don't have to encounter with the consequences of climate change.
We if look we can see this whole world is made up of five damn elements- Air, Water, Fire, Ether and Earth. These elements have contributed very much in the creation. Due to our some unconscious activities we started losing the purity of these elements everyday. We have increased our consumption, comfort and convenience and the consequence is Climate Change, Global Warming and the list will be on and on and on. We have built businesses, we have built infrastructures, our Scientists are going to Mars (that's great!), but the vary basic thing we are forgetting is the vary basis of our lives. Yes. And that is our Mother Earth. Earth has long been exploiting by many people in the name of development, in the name of transformation and revolution. Is it really a development and transformation where we can't breath pure oxygen, we can't drink pure water, we can't consume our food without being treated with chemicals ? it is indeed a destruction, not development.
There are various natural as well as anthropogenic activities that contribute to climate change. Greenhouse gas emission since industrial revolution have contributed more to climate change. This greenhouse gases trap heat radiation and increase the surface temperatures. Some land use changes, such as deforestation have changes the amount of light reflected from the ground back into the space. As a consequence land heating, heat waves are on the top list. No doubt, industrial revolution have contributed very much in the uplifting the economic condition as well as standard of living in the world, now I am scared, if high standard of living continues for next several years, would we be able to survive in this Earth ? For healing everything needs specific time frame, can we accept that and think to reduce our consumption so that earth gets a chance to heal again to the healthy state ?
If the trend goes on, life expectancy will drastically reduce and diseases will trap us from various sides. It is high time to take steps collectively to tackle climate change. Over the past few months, Nations, youths have come forward to hold protest against climate change. Many Nations have implemented strict policy to address the burning issue.
So, we need to act, act wisely. Though governments have taken small steps to tackle but it is not adequate for it.
What is the solution ?
Solution to climate change can be achieved collectively. The most basic thing we are omitting to tackle climate change is lack of awareness. Since over half of the population in the world still striving for earning a living, health and education and thus awareness is secondary for them. So, if the other half start spreading awareness with truely devoted to the process there is nothing like impossible.
Planting tree will be the solution ?
Some researchers claimed, tree plantation has mind blowing potential to tackle climate change. It is the cheapest way of taking out carbon dioxide. As trees grow, they absorb and store the carbon dioxide emissions that drives global warming. So, come, be a part of the solution, not the problem. Every one if plant at least 10 trees today, we can enjoy its fruits, canopy, wood after two or three years. If we unable to do so consequences will be more.
What India is doing to tackle climate change ?
India is doing great to tackle climate change. We have to increase awareness in every nook and corner. We need to focus on plantation in cities, road sides, in and around the public institutions and last but not the least providing incentives and encouraging youths to come forward and lead from the front.
What from our sides ?
As a small step, we buy some saplings and distributed two saplings per house and also urged the members of houses to take care of them with great care, love and affection. We also brifed them as why we gifted them the saplings. We distributed 200 saplings to 100 houses. We are planning to plant more in coming days. To Plant a tree isn't a big deal, but to protect it and look after it upto 6 months is very very important. Once its roots firmly stick to the ground, the tree will flourish with charming leaves, fruits and canopy to meditate.
We also ask them to send photos in a what's app group. We ask all the updates of the plants once in a month. We will select the best care taker and award them if the care takers successfully able to bring up those saplings.
"We have not inherited this Earth from our forefathers, we must keep it safe for our future generations". If we are unable to do so, our future generations will look back us with great animosity !
I hope you guys are doing well. Let's not wait let's act to make a world better place. Come and join to spread awareness and convey the message of peace and brotherhood. Cheers. Thanks for stopping by. I will be glad if you share your stories and steps to tackle climate change. Have a good day.
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