
I bought that bee house at Aldi's grocery store for $8 a couple years ago. It's made very cheaply and falling apart but all kinds of pollinators use it regularly. After a hole has vacated, I drill it back out. I've got all the materials to make a new one, it's the time I lack. Maybe this winter when I'm snowed in.

I do like Aldi for a good deal. Shame it's falling apart. I was going to build one out of scrap pallet wood this year but time just goes so quick. I'm not looking forward to snow this year

Pallet wood around here is usually oak, that will last a nice long time for you. This one was made of pine and held together with brads. Haha, you can add this project to your list of a 1000 things to do.

haha! I do have a pretty big list that's constantly 'growing' :)