Paharuhay Nature Park

in #naturelast year

Hello Hive world this is @penflecto once again, your young dreamer, how are you guys? Are y'all doing well? I know some of you are exhausted due to the unending cycle of life, I want you to relax and escape reality with me for a moment, so get ready because I will take you to the greeny and chilling place of Paharuhay Nature Park.

I deeply apologize for not publishing anything these past few months, I have been dealing with my mental health lately but luckily with the help of my good habits I was able to overcome it once again.


When life gets more complicated where would you want to relax? What specific place would you visit? Well, in this content, I will share with you a place that could possibly provide pleasure to you if you are a huge fan of nature. If you loved being surrounded with green environment this blog is for you, take time to read maybe you'll be happy or perhaps not, anyway, enjoy and have fun reading.

A couple of weeks ago, three weeks to be exact, I was dealing with my mental health and I notice non of my habits entertained me and helped me heal, I then sat in a specific place where I am alone and thought of an activity that could possibly heal me inside, suddenly, a good plan popped up in my mind that is inside the boundary of my interest, I said to myself "maybe a green environment could help me heal" I then remembered a good place that is surrounded with nature, I quickly grabbed my phone, small amount of cash, and earphone and went there without hesitation.

It's go time

I waited for a tricycle or a bus for a couple of minutes, while waiting, I listened to my favorite music,(by any chance could you please drop your favourite music below) and with just a couple of minutes a bus has arrived I then went in and looked for a vacant seat for me, while riding, I felt extremely excited and happy. After several of minutes passed,I finally arrived in my destination, the Paharuhay Nature Park.


Welcome to Paharuhay Nature Park

Upon arriving, an unexplainable feeling was felt, I said to myself " I miss this" what I meant to say is that I miss the feeling of being excited and extremely happy, well, to be honest, my mental health is still not in the right condition but anyway let's continue, before I proceeded to the top, I stopped and relax for a moment to their elegant Paharuhay café.





If I were to say, relaxing on a certain place without coffee is incomplete, I stopped in their café for a moment and treat myself a sweet and tasty coffee. While waiting I met a little angel and guess who it is? It was the cute little dog that I have mentioned on one of my blogs, look how cute he is. After petting that adorable creature for a short time my iced coffee is finally served.


Coffee's ready

Since the coffee is already in my hands it is now time for the challenging part it's climbing time.







Time to climb

Before climbing, I first entered the reception area where they put their mini map and they also offer free water to anyone who's visiting their place, I really liked their way of accommodating costumers, if I were to rate their costumer service it would be a 101% due to their kindness anyway, let's continue.






The climbing is a little bit challenging and fun, it took me at least 25 minutes before reaching at the top, during climbing, I noticed something is smiling at me which frightened me naaahhhh just kidding, it was just a gorgeous little flower that made me appreciate nature once again, I guess flowers is one of nature's greatest creation, they can change your mood in an instant.




After climbing almost one kilometer I finally arrived at my destination, the Paharuhay nature park, this place is always amazing even if I already visited it multiple times, it still feels like it's my first time, I really like it here, I love how the wind gently touch my skin, how the birds sings for me, how the sun smiled at me, and how nature healed me mentally.




I took a rest for couple of minutes, I drinked and savoured the iced coffee that I purchased recently, I enjoyed myself chilling in the middle of a healthy environment.

When you visit this placed there is nothing to worry about, the place is very aesthetic and well managed, they have a ministore which you can buy necessary goods such as water, beers,drinks, foods, and many more, so maybe you are interested in a place like this where solitude and tranquility is present.








Well, since I'm here, I took the opportunity to roamed around and capture many photos as much as I can , but I first asked for a permission and fortunately they agreed like wow they are so kind.

I looked around, I am so happy I was able to visit this place again, the minihoop, the grass and the view is just very amazing, when you are here you can experience a full 360 degree view of nature, isn't it amazing?



















Oh! How I loved this place, I really wished to stay here, unfortunately I have no money hahahah but it's okay at least I was able to visit this stunning placed, enjoy yourself with the images I have provided and maybe you'll visit here.

Short mess

Nature is indeed a great provider of pleasure to anyone, it is the most valuable treasure of all living creatures especially to the humans. Nature is a paradise so don't abuse it.

Thank you so much for spending your time reading my work, until we meet again, see you on my future blog.


Beautiful scenery and amazing landscape! I wanna visit it again someday! ❤️💚

You won't regret visiting this place ❤️

I lowkey wanna be there soon. Paharuhay campsite is such a nice place to decompress. 🥺💚 Away from the crowd, just feeling nature's embrace.

True, you should visit it❤️