This small, beautiful and helpless creature is called "like you". live in a workshop leaving my town
We could not believe the state in which the dog was, because they had him as a pet that attends the workshop, and the owners who go almost every day, it is not explained that he is so malnourished.
The poor animal lays in the sun to avoid cold, the weather is quite hot, dogs generally seek shade under this heat and this intense sun.
Esta criatura pequeña, hermosa e indefensa se llama "como tú". vive en un taller saliendo de mi pueblo
No podíamos creer el estado en el que se encontraba el perro, porque lo tenían como mascota los que cuidan el taller, y los dueños que van casi todos los días, no se explica que esté tan desnutrido.
El pobre animal se pone al sol para evitar el frío, el clima es bastante caluroso aquí, los perros generalmente buscan sombra bajo este calor y este sol intenso.
Oh man....that is so not and my loyal hound Rain Drop are disturbed about this!

Yes, it's wrong. I bring him food whenever I can, since they do not let us take him away.
beautiful puppy, a hug for the cute animal
I would try to just take him....