πŸ“· After rain. #2 🌷🍁

in #nature β€’ 7 years ago

The rain is relaxing. Most of the time.



above pics made by @onealfa on Aug 1, 2017,
E-M1 MarkII + 12-40mm F2.8, M.Zuiko

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Beautiful pictures. Perfect quality.


Wow..another nice pics from @onealfa
Wel done and I appreciate your pics..
I think you have more creative camera eye...
Upvoted and resteemed

Thanks a lot for your resteem

The rain is relaxing when do not rain you.
So detailed pictures! Great!

This post received a 3.7% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @onealfa! For more information, click here!

beautifull photo off rainy weather i think u enjoyed it very in ur home with this beautiful views @onealfa sir

yes sir i liked it 😍 those beautiful tiny drops looks like pearl diamond ✌

nice sir its the best photos take u with u E-M1 MarkII + 12-40mm F2.8, M.Zuiko..and also the weather is fantastic

The droplets looks yummy. I wanna taste it. It looks sweet. :)

the last picture is especially beautiful.

I Love The Smell of

1- Petrol
2- New Books
3- Soil After Rain

Thanks for Share!

simply wowww..... so attractive n eye catching post onealfa... :-)

beautiful pictures, i love the smell of the earth after the rain and the atmosphere is so peaceful and cool

Inspiring )

Nice friend,
Greetings best friend steemit
Follow me @rizalfajri

What a great shots!

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Wow part 2 is fascinating with an amazing focus on rain water. Best regard @onealfa

This is getting interesting series of shot's

so beautiful @onealfa
keep your good work up

Beautiful photos