1..I luv u dear (Bello)
2..Can i take u out tonite? (Bassey)
3..I always feel bad when I see u with
another man (Okoye)
4.. Sweetie don't forget d trip (MD)
5..Darling, av u seen d credit I sent u?
6..Honey, I will do whatever it takes just
for u to be by my side (Evans)
7..Consider it done (Senator)
8..Baby, check ur a/c bal and call me
back (Chairman)
1..UR data bundle will soon expire (MTN)
2..Hey dude, give me a break! I told u
am married (Jane)
3..Don't dare call me again, cheat
4..Am warning u, let this month not be a
story telling event like the last
3 months (Landlord)
5..Brother am still expecting d money for
d NECO form (Junior bros)
6..My pickin, you dey? Abeg send chop
money quick, hunger wan finish us here
o (Mama)
7.. I dey hospital, pls send d N120,000
quick quick for d appendix operation or
u can keep and use it for my burial
8..I av nt seen my period for 3 weeks
(Neighbour's daughter)
- Uncle NEPA has removed your wire from the pole.(Neighbor)
- When are you paying me my money.??(Your friend)
- Bros,pls send my school fees or else they will send me home tomorrow. (Junior sister)
- Bros papa chukwu has sold the pieces of land Left by our father.(Your senior sister in the village)
- Bros send me money for jamb form,girlfriend junior Sister.
- Send money for treatment, FULANI HERDSMEN shot mama in the farm yesterday.
Hope you can now reason why women outlived most men,!