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RE: Winter night.

in #nature5 years ago

I use a a Sony alpa 5100 a pretty simple camera. The camera must have manual setting and focus. Settings for these pictures (iso 2000 f/3.5 6s)Tree-pod is also necessary.Thanks @bashadow for pleasant comment. Same problem over here the most days are cloudy. Pure luck with clear sky and high solar activity at the same time. How many degree north you live? Alaska should give opportunities for picturing the Northern light.


Kenai, Alaska area, about 60N, I think. We do get the northern lights, but now is the best time because it is not super super cold yet, we are still above freezing and no snow yet. thanks for the camera settings, I have the Nikon 7500, so those setting s should work for me also, at least it gives a starting point for me. And the tripod yep, got that too, now just need the clear skies, and the lights.

Here's hoping for a few lucky days, before it is to cold to stand for long outside.

Good luck with the Aurora hunt.