The Picturesque Valley of Swat - Switzerland of the East

in #nature8 years ago

Have you ever heard the name Swat? I am not talking about the US SWAT (Special weapons and tactics).

I am talking about a valley situated in the North of Pakistan. The beautiful valley has been named differently. Some call it Switzerland of the East, some valley of fairies while other call it as paradise on Earth.

What is in a name? Call a rose by any name and it is still a rose! Same is true of this picturesque valley.

Swat was an independent state till 1970 which had retained its independent status even at the time of British India. It was in 1970 that state was merged with Pakistan.

Politics aside, history, culture, beauty, serenity are some of the very few words that can describe it.

Although I was born in Swat I have been away for more than 2 decades with intermittent short trips to quench my un-satiating thirst of nostalgic feeling.

I had the chance to visit it just recently and I will share some of the glimpses that I could preserve in my camera.

The clear crystal river Swat flows right in the heart of the valley. Many tourists like to swim in the water and enjoy the ice cold water. It was a time that you could drink the water but no more due to pollution.




Swat 8.jpg






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