My garden at home

in #nature6 years ago

It all starts because one day I read that rosemary plants are ideal for flavoring homes. I felt the restlessness and I said to myself "If this is true, I need one". I live near the beach, so my apt is always a little wet and that smell nobody perceives but I do.

One day, after so much thinking, I stopped at a nursery and well, there was no rosemary but I left with 5 plants, 2 bags of land and many expectations. Since then, I began to think about a space that I have behind my apartment (I live on the ground floor) that can become an ideal place to grow plants for my consumption and why not, even to feed the soul; I am researching and learning about horticulture and from today I will tell you step by step, with stumbles and everything, the progress of my garden ... Let's see how far we get.

Wish me success!