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RE: Learning the Art of Beekeeping -- Part Six

in #nature7 years ago

Interesting (and fun) fact I never knew before reading this post...

Different trees and flowers produce different flavors of honey

I always assumed honey was honey, but I can see how what the bees pollinate and bring back to the hive can determine the flavor; just as when we go hunting for deer, we prefer corn fed deer as they have more tender meat/venison and tastes less gamey. Makes sense to me now about the bees and their honey


It is incredible what variety there is in honey flavors. To be officially classified as a specific type of honey, for instance as "orange honey" the beehive must be placed such that the bees will collect the vast majority of their nectar and pollen from the specific flowers. If the bees can access different types of flowers then it is just considered either wild honey or honey.

That is so cool!
Next time I go to the local bee farm/store to buy raw honey for my soapmaking, I am going to really read the labels now.