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RE: #WalkWithMe - Colorful Spring Walks

in #nature7 years ago

Daniela, you have to stop it, you’re killin’ me here! Do you live in paradise or what? That very first image of the tree trunk is my favorite. Something about the way it twists makes me imagine it in fast forward, growing at a rapid rate, and twisting out of the ground in some sort of mystical way. All it needs is a little door in the base for the little forest people to enter and exit.

The village in the valley too...Want to go there. :)


Galen, I was amazed too by that tree and spent a lot of time lying on the ground next to it trying to capture a beautiful photo of it, it really looked so majestic, Lord of the rings style. I love to explore our nature and dedicate a lot of time and efforts to this, but I gain so much more! I really do find paradise, the way I see it, pretty often :) Thank you very much for this comment!