Show me your last harvest.

in #nature4 months ago


When you live in a farm, your harvest is your unique treasure and if the weather was good with you and received a good harvest you will feel luckily,


This was our last harvest received with daddy, this was for food, around 5 months of work, we have been collecting corn cob and some pumpkins and this make us very very happy.


We have been very very happy, with our gifts receives from the sky, we collect a little harvest for get our nice food during the next winter.

The work in a farm is one of the hardest work in the world, but it give you health, food and happiness to your life, for this reason we always have been doing this with my Daddy, forever we loves to gets our harvest we work hard and share nice time together, we really really enjoyed the time between us.




I hope you in the city you have been considered the importance of our farmers, we really really have been. Doing a great fuction in the nature, and we have been producing food for you and your family.




Tell me, how was your harvest?
Do you have a harvest for winter?

Thanks for coming, photos are my.
English mistakes too.


When I was a child I lived on a ranch or farm and yes, we grew corn, similar to this photo.

Farmers are very important, without you it would be more difficult to live, the crops you sell are a fundamental part of our diet, we must thank you and give you the value you deserve.

Do you have farm NY friend.

@galberto, I paid out 0.124 HIVE and 0.027 HBD to reward 2 comments in this discussion thread.