I want to show you a walk in the forest

in #nature6 years ago

I want to show you a walk in the forest, in our city ecology has completely deteriorated, almost all the time we breathe smoke, so leaving for the forest for us is a breath of fresh air.
I can not but share this beauty, mushrooms, flowers and berries, the smell of pine needles - this can not but inspire)IMG_0594-24-07-18-01-09.jpeg
we found several kinds of mushrooms, children really like doing it
but here is my gang of mushrooms!)
and bright colors of our summer!

po puti nam vstretilas' belochka, ona brala iz nashikh ruk oreshki i zakapyvala ikh pro zapas
on the way we met a squirrel, she took from our hands nuts and buried them in reserve

P.S. Thank you, if you have examined my story to the end, I hope that you are imbued with our nature