A very beautiful neighbor/ Un vecino muy hermoso

in #nature6 years ago
A very beautiful neighbor

Un vecino muy hermoso

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Photo © by Ledis Arango V.

I am very grateful to God, for his complete work and also for giving me the senses of seeing, listening, being able to tell and photograph one of his details in the majesty of his creation which I enjoy contemplating.

Estoy muy agradecida con Dios, por su obra completa y también por darme los sentidos de ver, escuchar, poder contarles y fotografiar uno de sus detalles en la majestuosidad de su creación la cual disfruto contemplar.

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Photo © by Ledis Arango V.

The Momotus aequatorialis is commonly known here as the Andean cliffdweller, is a spectacular neighbor; We listen to him every morning when we are on the farm from the window of our house, we also observe him very closely because his unmistakable turquoise blue stands out in the green of the landscape.

El Momotus aequatorialis conocido comúnmente como Barranquero andino, es un espectacular vecino; a él lo escuchamos cada mañana cuando estamos en la finca desde la ventana de nuestra casa, también lo observamos muy de cerca pues, su inconfundible azul turquesa resalta en el verde del paisaje.

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Photo © by Ledis Arango V.

He has his house in a cliff side a few meters from ours, there is an area fortified with chachafruto trees Erythrina edulis, avocado Persea americana, cordonPiper aduncum, yarumo Cecropia peltata, there are other species arboreal that support the cliff whose names we have not yet identified, I only speak of some that I can recognize.

Él tiene su casa en un barranco a unos cuantos metros de la nuestra, allí es un área fortalecida con arboles de chachafruto Erythrina edulis, aguacate Persea americana, cordoncillo Piper aduncum, yarumo Cecropia peltata, existen otras especies arbóreas que sostienen el barranco cuyos nombres aún no hemos identificado, solo les hablo de algunas que puedo reconocer.

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Photo © by Ledis Arango V.

Our precious neighbor loves being so close to our garden, he calmly perches on the castor bushes Ricinus communis, apparently enjoying the small almonds which he opens with his long and strong beak, hitting them on the trunk.

A nuestro precioso vecino le encanta estar tan cerca de nuestro jardín, él tranquilamente se posa sobre los arbustos de higuerilla Ricinus communis, al parecer disfruta las pequeñas almendras las cuales abre con su largo y fuerte pico, golpeándolas sobre el tronco.

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Photo © by Ledis Arango V.

A very interesting observation is when the Momotus aequatorialis initiates the courtship he performs side to side movements with his tail like a clock but also from top to bottom and with his strong sounds as laughter calls the female, and offers her his encounters.

Una observación muy interesante es cuando el Momotus aequatorialis inicia el cortejo él realiza movimientos con cola de lado como un reloj pero también de arriba abajo y con sus sonidos fuertes como risotadas llama a la hembra, y le ofrece sus encuentros.

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Photo © by Ledis Arango V.

On this occasion he has a delicious arthropod Myriapoda, which he keeps and shows so that she comes to meet him. What Mr. John Gould would have given to see this scene live and direct; he was the first to classify this bird as a Motmot, he was only able to observe it dead.

En esta ocasión le tiene un delicioso artrópodo Myriapoda, que le guarda y le muestra para que ella venga a su encuentro. Lo que hubiera dado Mr. John Gould por ver esta escena en vivo y directo; él fue el primero en clasificarlo como momot pues solo pudo obserarlo muerto .

Photo © by Ledis Arango V.

And with the will of God that I can share.

Y que yo con la voluntad de Dios les puedo compartir.

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Photo © by Ledis Arango V.

God bless you all

Dios los bendiga

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

He is beautiful @ecoinstante :) I like his blue/aqua/turquoise tinted face and wings and his tail is quite long and cute with the additional feather (imagining his tail moving like a clock during courtship :).It is amazing that you are surrounded by beautiful nature and your photos are beautiful. Thank you for sharing @ecoinstante :)

Thank you very much. @marblely It is a very flirtatious bird when it is in courtship. I'm glad you enjoy the article. It makes me very happy to share my observations with the Steem community;)

This is my favorite bird of our farm! I love watching them flirt with each other :)

Especially when it perches right in front of our garden, it looks at us, moves its tail and flies from tree to tree;)