SEE WHAT'S TRENDING FROM THE ECO TRAIN! Be inspired and lift your day with some ecoTrain positivity!

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

I'm happy to bring you the latest and best posts from the ecoTrain! It's interesting how our themes change and evolve as new passengers come and join us. The synchronicity is lovely to see, with several of us writing on uncommon topics at the same time.

Our mission last week was to help new arrivals to Steemit with a welcome message that we could post to others. That was a great exercise and I really enjoyed seeing how we all touched on similar themes, like BE AUTHENTIC, and yet all had our own unique perspectives.

SO I'm happy to share with you some more wonderful and diverse posts. To me its like a brilliant magazine full of positivity and great writings. There is always something for everyone here, so I encourage you to scroll down and check out the one(s) that you like. One of the great things about ecoTrain is that we try to help each other meet like minded people and gain followers. So, if you like any of our passengers don't forget to Follow Them! It's all too easy to miss posts, and so following is the way to make sure you catch new posts on your Feed.

Happy Reading! ;-)

Our Best Spammer

We ask you to not use our #ecotrain tag so that we can organise ourselves and find our posts easily. Sometimes a few of you do use our tag, and this week I'd like to highlight @fun-dr-n-light-n who is also working to help find and curate good posts. @fun-dr-n-light-n writes the best comments on Steemit, only you better hope he doesn't comment to you late at night as you will up for hours deciphering it ;-) Thank you for being you @fun-dr-n-light-n


V.3 (( THE DAILY PULL )) .. i want a link, to your BEST PosT !!!

ThiS .. FUN'Dr AccounT (( @fun-dr-n-light-n )) .. is here for YOU !! - ))
(( THE DAILY PULL )) .. an opportunity, to play my part - ))

BY asking for a "link" to your "best" post - )))
.. you get to make an 'advertising' statement, about you - ))

OfferinG all of the SBD generated, as a reward, my incentive .. to you !!
.. to play along .. to make some new friends .. see some cool content - ))

.. i hope 50/50 "feels" fair .. for a LinK & a comment or two ?? - ))

i'd like (( THE DAILY PULL )) to be .. an 'open door' HanG OUT ! - ))
.. for a quick daily 'stop-in' and see .. and chat ?? - ))

.. and maybe ??
.. a quick swim ? .. in dreamy refreshing waters !!! - )

.. ? - ))

The best of the best from the ecoTrain,
determined by number of upvotes and engagement.



  • The Remarkable Diary of an ecoBuilder - Part 10: Interior Design! ;-)
    How do you layout and design a house in the shape of a circle!? That was the challenge I had, and one that I spent countless hours playing with. I made a large number of designs and layouts. I had so many ideas and I couldn't have them all! I also had some help from a dear friend who drew some wonderful layout ideas.

  • The Remarkable Diary Of An EcoBuilder, #9. The Roof! I love it when a plan comes together!
    The roof of Earthship Karuna was without doubt the most extravagant, difficult, and expensive part of this build! Not only is it very big, but I also designed it with a 15 foot skylight that opens! That was so important for having good natural light, as well as for improving airflow and ventilation. The entire design and strength was based on my knowledge of Sacred Geometry.

  • How To Nail Your Shakshuka
    Shakshuka is a North African dish and also a favorite in the Middle East. It is especially popular in Israel, where it is commonly eaten as a good hearty breakfast. I personally eat it mostly for lunch, accompanied by some flat-bread to mop up all that delicious tomato-y sauce. This recipe is one of my own and brings the best from both the African and Yemenite recipes by incorporating the spices of Yemenite cooking such as cardamom, cumin, clove, and the African method of serving the eggs whole instead of scrambled.


  • How the Mirror Can be Your Friend - A Lesson in Self Love
    Are your eyes smiling too? Try to make them. Try you very best to give you biggest and best smile, even if you don't feel like it. What do you see when you look at yourself? Smile back at them, they need a smile ;)

  • Give Happiness a Hug - Learning to be Grateful Everyday
    It's not all bad, we all have things that are good in our lives however small or insignificant they may feel at first, or at the time. If we look, we can find find and acknowledge them, and take comfort in them. By feeling grateful for the ropes (however thin) that life throws us, we give ourselves a powerful tool to increase or happiness. It is one thing to decide to be more grateful about life, but putting it into action can be a little harder. There is thankfully a simple solution that really helps you stay on track with this - a gratitude journal...


  • The PRICE of water: A true story of Andean homesteading
    Where does your water come from? My guess is, even if you are a homesteader, it is likely that a local utility company provides water for you, and they probably charge you for it too! Have you ever considered where they get the water from? Will you allow me to take you on a journey today to where we get the water for our farm?


  • My Safe Haven- Art Prompt Writing Contest #4

    The following story is my entry for the Art Prompt Writing Contest #4 by @gmuxx. Hope you enjoy it and hope I win the contest. The story is supposed to be based on the following image by @thetinypaleokitchen. So here’s my story.
  • Monday Motivation - Why You Must Just keep Going like the Clock
    Time for the Monday Motivation again. Every other Monday, I post an inspirational quote that keeps me motivated to keep working on my personal and professional goals and encourages me to keep going no matter what and then I elaborate on the importance of that quote and why you need to implement it. This week I will elaborate on the following amazing quote by Sam Levenson.


  • Taking the right Opportunities
    Sometimes a vast amount of opportunities appear to us. Personally I've looked back and seen how many good opportunities I've missed for the past years, even though some were small, they could have changed my life big time. Sometimes I've neglected them just because I thought that some other thing had a more substantial value than whatever came.

  • Train ride throught the Bulgarian Mountains
    Yesterday a friend and I decided to go travel somewhere, we ended up going to one of the Bulgarian mountains called "Pirin". Afterwards we decided not to go by car, but rather take a 5 hour train ride through the mountains and here is how it went.

  • The missing 90%
    It is known that we as "Humans" are using roughly around 10% of the overall potential of our brain. This has been said by scientists and in some old myths that I cannot truly believe to the fullest of extent, yet I am absolutely sure that the scientists didn't have the opportunity to scan everyone's brain, but for the sake of this article, I'l just close my eyes and keep the concept of this as intact as possible.


  • Legends of the Ecotrain - True or False? My Norway Adventure with Gustav.

    This is the first part of my story for the 'True or False' challenge as proposed by @eco-alex on the @ecotrain. So you have to be patient to find out whether this story is indeed true or not because I don't know how many parts will follow.
  • Ants - Leafcutter Ants (Atta cephalotes)
    This is an ant trail. It has been made by the leafcutter ants. You see these trails everywhere in the forest. The leafcutter ants do a lot of work in the forest carrying leaves and other plant material into their nest. They are very important to the rainforest eco-system. These ants are fascinating although not easy to photograph. The ants measured in bio-mass are heavier than any other type of animal in the rainforest.

  • Birding on eBird - If you love birds, check out this website
    As the garden grows, more and more birds arrive to live in and around our bushes and trees. In my quest to identify these birds I stumbled upon this website called


  • Life in a universe of synchronicity: the beauty of being in the constant flow (illustrated with paintings by Canadian visionary artist Giai Oreon)
    We are in India. I'm sitting in the car clutching the fabric of the rear seat fearing that my life can end at any moment. And who would have thought that I was only a few minutes from making an incredible yet simple discover that would change my life’s understanding. But that will happen only a few minutes after. For now, I'm just sitting in the car, which rushes with a mad speed somewhere ahead with car’s horn signaling to someone around us and having managed in last minutes to evade motorcyclists and cars going from different directions. I am feeling very uncomfortable in this mess and the thought that this will be for at least the next 4 days scares me till death.


  • Is your inner masculine protecting and supporting your inner feminine? (8 days old but very nice post)
    Hi Darlings, I'm writing this with a purring cat on my lap, that has squeezed itself in between me and my laptop. Yesterday while I was sitting with myself, taking a moment to feel in to how I was doing I felt an irritation in my stomach. Wondering what that was about I noticed something inside of me was irritated with myself. Irritated with a feeling I had. A feeling of sadness. I have just come back to Holland from spending some time in India and was missing my life there and everything that had become familiar to me and was experiencing some transitioning pain. It hasn't been a week yet, since I am back, so this is only normal. But something inside of me, wouldn't hear of it, just wouldn't accept it. It was like it was saying: 'Don't be weak!'


  • A German Doctor in Syria III
    Day 17 and a conclusion: Our work is not finished yet, not for a long time The so-called “Houses of the Injured“ exist in every bigger town in Rojava. The male and female soldiers of the Kurdish People´s Defense Units, who were injured severely during the fight against the IS and are in need of a longer convalescence, are brought there. During my first trip to Northern Syria in 2014, I had to realize, that many injured people had been operated on more or less well, but the necessary follow-up treatment was insufficient.



Thanks for being here with ecoTrain! We are a small community that support each other because we love what we write.

If you like any of our passengers please do follow them to make sure you see more from them.

Be sure to let us know in the comments if you are enjoying the ecoTrain posts or if there is something you would like to see that we have not writen about.

We LOVE you, and are always happy to hear from you!

@gardenbsquared made this ;-) I love it!

If you are new to Steemit, love to write, and would like to join the ecoTrain community as an official passenger please email me on

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