How a Mountain on Hell (Ascension Island) was Terraformed into a Green Forest

in #nature6 years ago (edited)

Science fiction novels and dreams of a future beyond Earth often discuss terraforming other planets. Terraforming is the process of covering a planet’s surface with plant life, which can help add oxygen to an atmosphere. Mars, for example, has a thin atmosphere dominated by carbon dioxide. It also has soil that could be capable of growing plants if some additional nutrients were added. And water…plants need water! In time, plants on Mars would add oxygen to the atmosphere there and make it possible for humans to breathe the air.

Ascension Island, which is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean between South America and Africa, has been described by many visitors as hell. It is a clump of rough, black volcanic lava with red lava hills rising above. In some ways, as many have remarked, it looks a lot like Mars. Portuguese sailors saw it as arid and desolate, which is why they gave it a pass. They named the island for the date of its discovery (Ascension Day), dropped some goats there to feed any future sailors who were shipwrecked, and then kept on sailing.


Ascension Island, showing the clouds that gather at its highest peark. Creative Commons via by LordHarris.

Transforming Ascension's Highest Peak

Once Napoleon was banished to St. Helena (a few hundred miles away), the British took an interest in Ascension and other remote Atlantic islands. There was a fear that the French would move in and try to rescue Napoleon. So the British set up a base and garrison on Ascension. Today, there isn’t much more there: British and American bases, and about 800 people living there at any one time, but no indigenous residents. Over time, these bases became important stopping and refueling points for ships and aircraft between South America and Africa.

Joseph Hooker, Darwin's close friend. New York Public Library.

In 1836, Charles Darwin stopped at Ascension on his famous voyage with the HMS Beagle. The island was a dry and treeless volcanic cinder. He called it “burnt”, “hideous”, and “completely destitute of trees”. Darwin noted that the plants in the interior were just enough to sustain some sheep, goats, cows, horses, and guinea fowl (as well as rats) that had been dropped on the island by previous ships. A few years later, Darwin’s close friend Joseph Hooker also visited Ascension. He and Darwin discussed a radical idea.

There was little fresh water on the island, but Hooker saw the fog on the mountains in its interior. Encouraged by Darwin, he suggested that trees should be planted on the highest mountain. He theorized that trees would trap moisture from the air and bring it to the ground as droplets, collecting more fresh water into the streams and supplying the island. Joseph Hooker’s father served as the head of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, a post which he later held himself. So he was able to get trees and plants sent for planting on Ascension, shipping 300 samples from Kew between 1947 and 1950, all planted on Ascension's tallest mountain. Other samples were obtained from South America, from South Africa, and elsewhere.

Water catchment at Ascension with Green Mountain behind it. Creative Commons via by LordHarris.

The Terraforming Had Some Negative Consequences, But it Worked

Today, some 170 years after planting began, there is a thriving forest on Ascension’s highest mountain. Appropriately, it’s called Green Mountain. Dozens of species of trees and plants grow there. Above the desolate volcanic landscape, one can see a lush, green cloud forest peeking through the mists. And the forest has developed a different character for each strata of altitude.

Where foreign plants have been introduced, the downside has been the suppression of native species. Most of the thriving plants on Green Mountain are a mish-mash of species from all corners of the world. The few endemic native species, which evolved with much less competition, have been squeezed out by the introduced plants.

Similar stories are told on nearly every small, isolated island around the world, even ones where rats have been introduced and have decimated wild bird populations by eating their eggs. On St. Helena, another island in the middle of the Atlantic, just a few hundred miles from Ascension, there is a rare plant called the bastard gumwood tree. It is endemic, growing only on this one small island and nowhere else in the world. Once, forests of bastard gumwood (love that name) covered much of the island, but they were cleared until only few of these native trees remained. For a time, these trees were thought to have gone extinct. Today, there are just two bastard gum trees on the island, one cultivated and the other growing wild on a rock, but fortunately a breeding program has succeeded in growing more saplings that can be planted out.

However, other species adapt well, such as land crabs on Ascension. They much prefer the green forests to the volcanic cinder.

Land crab on Ascension Island. Creative Commons via by Drew Avery.

So Ascension’s terraformed forest comes with a caveat, which is that its species are largely introduced (and some would say invasive). A few people refer to it as the fake or false forest. And yet, it is a thriving ecosystem that has grown up and found a thriving balance in a relatively short period of time. Even 20 years after the first plantings, food trees like bananas and guavas were thriving on Ascension’s Green Mountain. Over time, the forest covered more of Green Mountain. The trees planted in the clouds fulfilled Joseph Hooker’s vision of trapping moisture from the air into fresh water for the island.

A view from Green Mountain, showing the stark lava landscapes surrounding the oasis of green on its highest peak. Creative Commons via by LordHarris.

And now, a century and a half later, nature has taken over. The trees and plants on Green Mountain, many of which did not grow with one another in their natural environments, have reached a harmonic balance. At the lower levels of this mountain ecosystem, pines, eucalyptus and succulents support a dryland ecosystem. High up, as the mountain becomes wetter, there is a jungle in the cloudforest, complete with bananas, gingers, and other tropical species. Near the peak, where it is cool, bamboo forests, mosses, and ferns thrive, much as they do in similar environments around the world.

Hell Can be Landscaped with Nature

Older volcanic islands develop ecosystems over time from the plant seeds that drift there or are deposited by migrating birds. In Ascension’s case, as a younger volcanic island, that process had not yet taken place in a major way. Humans kick-started it much more quickly with a wide diversity of plant species from around the world that showed promise of succeeding in such an environment.

Ascension’s Green Mountain was terraformed, just as we read about in science fiction novels. In an era during which we have lost so much of earth’s natural forests, here one has been created where none existed before. Could the same thing be done on a planet like Mars? Ascension had many elements going for it that may be more difficult to find on Mars. Ascension had water waiting to be harvested from the clouds. It had volcanic soil rich in minerals. It had ample sunshine at its latitude to drive photosynthesis. It did not have the radiation levels that exist on the surface of Mars.

And yet, if those problems can be overcome, the foresting of Ascension’s Green Mountain proves that terraforming can succeed in a relatively short window of time. Hell can be landscaped. And not just with lawns or golf courses, but with forests that build nature as they harvest the mist.

An aerial view of Ascension Island shows the terraformed Green Mountain in an otherwise arid volcanic landscape. NASA.

Nature’s Treasure Islands, a television series distributed by FilmWise, available on

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Never heard of the island before... Kind of interesting to read about it.

Now I love the simplicity you brought into the transformation...... I think I learnt quite a great deal.

Simplicity is my middle name. It's the only way I can understand things myself.

I never heard about Asension Island but as per your post I might be one of the best island between South Atlantic ocean (South America and Africa).
And the story is interesting about changing from a dark island to a green island between 170 years..
So today I get knowledge about a new island thanks @donkeypong

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the comment and glad you learned something new.

Asension Island is a typical place where post apocalyptic movies can really be shot, I mean the location what a transformation it actually witnessed you know having those green life, the trees and totally transformation into a habitation which is not bad. However what do you think @donkeypong? do you think Mars can also be transformed like Asension Island since there are visible sign of life there?

I think it will take a long time and some creative use of resources, but in the next few lifetimes, it may be achieved.

I like the concluding sub topic 'hell can be landscaped with nature

I watched the series Terra Nova a few years back and it opened my eyes to possibilities of man made attempts at terraforming, even though they focused on the past

I think Mars eventually will unundergo a Terra transformation of some sorts, just not in our lifetimes. It's amazing what science has managed to accomplish

I agree; it's unlikely to happen during our lifetimes, but if they can solve a few problems, it would be possible relatively soon.

I think the whole zeal for space exploration/colonization has died down a bit. If they consider it a priority, I don't see why it won't happen

Aren't all trees bastards...fathers unknown!

Known only to the bees and other pollinators.

Haha yes🤣

Hmmm, I got a different lesson from this article, what of if all this people that made attempt to try something impossible, who would have believed such a mountain could grow plants....

What a beautiful mountain it turned out to become.

It's amazing how someone could help that something like this mountain of hell as they call or called it became a green forest

The truth I did not know this story and I thought that this was not possible but I see that this man could do it alone is a matter of studying the place a bit like everything with its faults but what was achieved was achieved

It is inspirational at some level.

You're right this means that nothing is impossible and if you dream it and want it that way it will be

Where do you find stories like this? It has that journalistic vibe.
I write like a youtube commenter haha, but this is obviously a bit different.

Its quite cool what they did, i have to say, but i honestly think Mars is going to be a bit tougher to pull off. Haha :D

That's awesome! I saw some videos on how fir trees use their needles to catch the mist and turn it into water droplets that fall at its base and water the tree. That amazing to think that there were no large trees there, but after being introduced that the water that fell also caused an increase in other vegetation on the island. Hopefully they're able to get rid of the rats as that's a problem that no one should have to deal with. And if there are other animals to eat, no one should be desperate enough to eat the rats.

Was any type of nuclear or other type of waste also dumped on the island? I ask because in the first image of this post, it appears that way.

Thank you.

Mother Liberty.

Not aware of any, as it's never been mentioned in any source I've encountered, but I'm far from being an expert.

Oh, okay...thanks... that is typically how the cabal works...dump nuclear waste on islands...then declare them a paradise...

To become great, one must start small, be willing to listen, learn, serve others first.

● It is often said that a great leader must be a great man or a great woman. But what makes one human mind, body, soul and spirit be recognized in time, among the millions, to stand-out among the crowd and draw millions to a cause?

● Some say it is passion. Certainly passion alone will not endure without character, moral direction, the pursuit of justice, liberty, equality, freedom and all that Mother Liberty stands for.

Certainly endurance comes with passion. And passion follows the pursuit of a dream. A dream may come for personnal reasons or be the result of the pursuit of justice, equality and freedom. Who can judge the heart of man?

Mother Liberty.

I don't think that your definition of transformation is exactly appropriate. A lot of engineering would still be required to make the new world capable of even hosting plant life as we know it. If you decide to plant on new worlds, there is a really low probability of it growing.
As for if this technique would work on Mars I don't think that it would be so easy, at least not if you try to terraform with plants. A lot of resources and brainwork would have to go into terraforming mass. Of course, after terraforming, we would have to introduce plant life from Earth and if we are sure of the absence of native life, I don't think that you can describe any of those plants as invasive ones. Comparing the transformation of Mars to the creation of an effective ecosystem on Ascension island is like comparing building a sand castle to building a skyscraper.

For sure. I alluded to additional challenges on Mars or other bodies. Even getting to Mars is a huge obstacle for us now. But a lot of brainwork has already gone into this issue, as I understand it. If/when the time comes, they will be ready.

A couple of related links:

Terraforming of Mars
Terraforming of Mars is a hypothetical process of planetary engineering by which the surface and climate of Mars would be deliberately changed to make large areas of the environment hospitable to humans, thus making the colonization of Mars safer and sustainable.
There are a few proposed terraforming concepts, some of which present prohibitive economic and natural resource costs. As of 2018 it is not feasible, using existing technology, to carry out any activities that significantly increase the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) pressure or provide any significant warming of the planet. Any climate change induced in the near term is likely to be driven by greenhouse warming produced by an increase in atmospheric CO2 and a consequent increase in atmospheric water vapor.

Quite amazing how it got the vegetation and animals @donkeypong. If it would be a home for an iguana they might be like in the Galapagos islands. The weather system in the ascension island was influenced by the mountain as it created water system through the cloud formation, soon grasses, seeds, and insects flourish to make what is now the Ascension island.

Very interesting! Thanks for posting!!

Is it just me to think that Crab is actually very cute? :)

no, me too :)

Hi @donkeypong, I'm come to your post very lately and now I'm finished reading whole blog. Actually I could now increase my knowledge about Ascension Island. Yep...I heard first time about those Island. But after watch Ascension Island, it has most adorable looks and unbelievable for find it's history. Fortunately I updated most through your valuable article.
Absolutely I learnt various things indeed various title daily through your assistance. I give you big saluting now. I have big doubt how growing plants there with some facts. But I love to read transformation story. Thanks for given teaching lesson again Tom.

Thanks for sharing such an informative story about terraforming, it's not a familiar word much as a process of reforesting a mountain. Thank God for the idea that he had given to people like Joseph Hooker and Darwin...Just as you said Hell ( Ascension Island)can be Landscaped with Nature and so it was. I am also impressed on how you gathered such information @donkeypong, I believe you are a professional writer.

Outside the world, various activities are being carried out and it is underway in the process. Our NASA authorities have told us that like our country, they have found a planet or Mars, or people can live in it, we know from NASA To run the test, they send some people to Mars and review them to see if they can live there, but they have already learned that there are some things that are there in the form of seizen and water, but in the meantime they can solve these problems. Given by NASA.But it can be assumed that the Mars like the Asension Island can be transformed.thanks @donkeypong really informative post.

Nice some historical post. Beautiful place Ascension Island. Thanks for sharing with us. Sir @donkeypong

The mountains and the valleys of the sea are all really very unusual in nature and these are important and organistic aspects of each human race and human society.You have presented some good content that will play a good role in harmony with the natural content and very valuable and creative development.

Mr. @donkeypong,

Nature will always be valuable direction to every person and the nation, in the blog post you mentioned, I have been very attentively and it seems to me to be very attracted and directional, You have written an extraordinary blog post that you have written in a blog post that is very valuable to the community because of the discussion of cryptocurrency always in the community which is very boring, but I will certainly give you sincere recognition of the distorted blogpost present today.

I hope you will talk about nature in the future, and they are thanking you again for all of us to be more engaging content.

I would like to thank you for presenting your valuable feedback and important blog posts at the beginning. The topics that you have presented to me in nature are very much attracted to me and have presented a number of valuable articles that have published some of the natural non-discrimination guidelines which are really good.

yeah man, these are gifts of nature, i am watching this for the first time, thanks for sharing.

great historical story....thanks for give us this kind of knowledge

@donkeypong what a incredible story your first pic looks like a Ladakh a place in India

Posted using Partiko Android

Nature is an amazing beauty that God created in his own hands and devoted to the use of humanity ☘

I think the natural things you have presented are really great and these are very valuable resources for the human race. Some of the things we have to maintain, and these are an important subject matter to the whole world.

Friend, how are you? I like steemit because I know new places and your post today takes me to this island, I surfing a bit on the internet I found an interesting fact what I do not know if it is true.

The United States maintains an espionage base on the small island of Ascension, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, in which communications are monitored in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia and Venezuela.

The base of Ascension Island, a small British overseas territory, is part of a project known as Echelon in which, in addition to the United States, the governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Australia participate.

Will this be true? I do not know but I appreciate you taking me to know a different place and all the information that reviews are wonderful

Sir Napoleon is the great person.

There was a fear that the French would move in and try to rescue Napoleon.

As always with good information

I did not know this place I think very little I know I had the opportunity to learn a lot here in STEEMIT besides knowing

Very good story is incredible as such simple things are combined into great things

Great Post !!
Really interesting, and inspiring...
Nature always seeks a balance;
if We are willing to help it out just a little bit;
it speeds things up tremendously...

Nature is God's gift! Which does not have the option. It is said that nature lovers are always good at all!

The island looks so great. It has unique nature! Thanks @donkeypong for sharing with us.

that is very useful information, never knew of this place before. and your blog is written perfectly

I love natural.i like it your post sir. natural is very beautiful looking. thank you.

Wow such an amazing and interesting read. Our Earth is one amazing place. I have never heard of this island before, but have always been fascinated with the Terraforming process, and in fact am in the development phase of writing a story/book about Terraforming Mars, since I love Science Fiction topics so much and space travel. This is proof that with a bit of ingenuity and smarts, you can Terraform something. What a fun experience it would be to visit this island. And of course Mars, would love to visit there too. haha

These are such a helpfull information.because there are many things we igvore to know there identity.but for real,they have mistorious story.

These information are much helpful for us.because we ignore many things of earth.but for real,they have a misterious history

seeing this gat me thinking such place can still be on our planet anyway it kinda cool tho to let us know.. thanks for this post.

Have you ever watched Passengers (2016) movie? I remembered the movie. The main character in the film planted trees in a spaceship. The main character woke up decades earlier because of the capsule crash.

Source pict

When people offer the idea of settling on other planets have even done research for it, it is still a lot of points on earth is still a virgin and eligible to be a place to live.

It is impressive the changes that arise naturally caused by the same planet, the creation of islands that arose due to marine volcanoes and that over time were acquiring life transforming into what today are

That is cool. I had never heard of that Island. It reminds me of something here in Tucson. They are scaled swales and they were man made dams in a horse shoe pattern to sort of trap the water there from little washes.
I have been back there before and the whole area was lush grass with trees around the rim. It was like walking into a totally different ecological environment. I tried to plant watermelon out there and some other stuff but the plan of having a huge feast didn't pan out. Hahahha


i never heard about this place because i'm living in Philippines but i think this is very interesting to me seeing a good place overseas. thank you @donkeypong for sharing your post., will hope someday i will be there to see those beautiful viewing. you are so very fascinating transparency, brilliant an d good bloggers..

Great article. I have an interested on remote islands. Perhaps you'd like to change "peark" to "peak" in the caption of one of the photos.

Good to know. Also you wrote a nice piece of history.

@donkeypong, great to know about this place and how this is transformed into beautiful and greenery aspect from the darkest aspect. And yes, nature can bring lot of changes for sure because nature is Life. And Nature makes lot of difference means, when we visit at any Dry phase then it gives incomplete essence but when we move from the dryness to greenery then it gives the essence of completeness.

These type of Islands are always reflects as hidden world because in my opinion these kind of places sometimes reflects as nature cut offed it from the whole world for an particular reason. And nature holds it's own plans for it's creations for sure.

Those Clouds are reflecting as coming close to this island and giving an Hug. And sometimes nature showcase some scenes which can amaze us and these kind of scenes are also reflects as artistic essence.

Good to see that Crab and that picture is reflecting this creature like an decorative piece of Nature, and i am particularly fan of the colourful essence of Nature. And colours of nature holds the healing essence and it also gives eye-catching effect.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Thank you for this post. Thats very interesting.

Wow.. Many wonderful creations. I was ashonished by the land crab..

sometimes as a scientific work we must live, nature is friendly to us

Congratulations @donkeypong!
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