Beware of Masked Invaders Bathing in Your Kiddie Pool

in #nature8 years ago

RaccoonTable CC Flickr Pfly.jpg

My family and I used to live near a forested park. While raccoons are common in most of North America, we saw them very frequently in that neighborhood. At least once a month, I’d see a family of 2-4 raccoons crossing a street. They’d get into peoples’ trash cans and eat any fruit that was ripening in neighbors’ backyards.

Our kids were toddlers at the time. On hot days, they enjoyed playing with a “water table” that someone had given us. One step down from a kiddie pool, it was a small plastic table with a recessed area that held a few inches of water. The kids would splash and play with cups and waterproof toys on top of the table, usually ending up soaked afterwards. We did not have a swimming pool, but in the summertime, that water table was the next best thing for young kids.

One night, my wife and I awoke to a clatter in the backyard. We had forgotten to drain the water table and had left a few toys around the patio. Some of the toy cups were filled with water still.

When we turned on the outdoor patio light, here is what we saw.


There were four raccoons in our yard, two of them bathing in the water table. We watched as they meticulously cleaned their whole bodies. There was a brush beneath the table that we used for scrubbing it; one of the raccoons actually rolled and twisted itself all around on the brush, which must have felt good. They even used the water-filled cup toys that were strewn around the patio.

Of course, I opened up the patio door and tried to scare them away, but these raccoons thought I was coming out to give them some food. Apparently, some of my neighbors must have been hand-feeding them because they were not scared of humans at all. In fact, the four of them wanted to come right up to me. I waved a broom at them, but they still didn’t believe me.

Raccoons may be cute, but they defecate and can spread disease. So I certainly wasn’t going to feed and encourage them. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I could have used a weapon or been more aggressive. But I saw the water hose and decided that was a better idea.

I sprayed the nearest raccoon in the face. But instead of fleeing, it seemed to enjoy the shower. One of the others actually came over to get into the spray also. These animals are true water lovers.


I keep a machete and some heavier firepower in the garage, but there was no reason to hurt these animals. They already had gotten our stuff dirty and I would have to clean it thoroughly. The damage was done, so there wasn’t any reason to drive them off at this point. I retreated back inside and watched them through the screen door as they finished bathing and eventually moved on to make their rounds through the neighborhood.

If you leave food or water outside, such as in a dog bowl or bird feeder/bird bath, you have no idea who or what visits it during the night. Think that water is still clean the next morning? Think again. Here is a video showing the nocturnal wildlife that appeared in someone’s yard after he set up a trail cam. If you want to know who stops by your home, this is one way to find out.

You might not see any bears, but beware of masked invaders.

Top photo credit: Creative Commons via Flicker by Pfly (that one isn't mine, but it sure looks like the same model of water table). Other photos are mine (property of the author).


I worked on the milestone for about a week, but now I wish it was this post I put in there for you :) I love anything to do with wildlife. When we lived in Florida we had a raccoon that would come up on our porch and eat the cat's food. That cat-Loki- was a supreme hunter, but one of the funniest things I've ever seen was how it reacted to the raccoon. Watching through the window I saw Loki lying just a few feet away licking his paws while the coon ate from his dish. Apparently he'd decided that it was not worth the fight, haha!

Milestone post:

Great story, thanks!

Glad you liked it ;)

They are so cute, but like you mentioned the poop is not cool! In Kampot, Cambodia we had a palm civet cat in the garden which looks a bit like a raccoon but more black... and it didn't do its business on the terrace. Unfortunately, it was always too scared to get a picture of it...

Nice! It seems many areas have something like these raccoons. Depending on the place, there is some animal that fills a similar niche.

I sprayed the nearest raccoon in the face. But instead of fleeing, it seemed to enjoy the shower. One of the others actually came over to get into the spray also. These animals are true water lovers.

Lol plan insta-fail..

It's actually great there's wildlife around with US's generally non-gated communities. Where I am it could feel devoid of any wildlife. I don't remember seeing any other creatures other than stray (domesticated) cats and dogs..

Here's a surprised raccoon found on reddit!

Somebody must think they're super-cute.

Yada yada yad... a machete?! Never thought of you as the machete owning type but its good to know. Machete or no machete, you are brave man to stand up to these bandits.

Was this your neighbors?

I don't have anything against raccoons. Not in the 21st century, at least.

Most people live inside a good deal, so it seems wise to say this: Indoors are the domain of humans; the outdoors is the domain of animals.

And then have a strong ethic, an ethic preventing humans from ever thinking that they own the Earth more than animals do, set in place, to ensure that raccoons can bathe themselves with what you leave in your yard.

Remember: Humans ripped down most forests, leaving wild animals no place to live. You owe them in a sense, for the collective actions of all humanity, a species who is currently poisoning the earth, and doing great damage to all species, including their own.

Pollution, deforestation, and the extinction of nearly all large land animals is no laughing matter. We ought to give an inch in favor of animals, just out of respect, if nothing else.

That's true. Some of us enjoy the outdoors a lot, though, so I'm not willing to stay inside all the time. In most wild areas with well-balanced ecosystems, there aren't as many rats, pigeons, and roaches, etc. Raccoons are another species that does very well alongside humans, probably better than they did before we came along. Of course I'm glad to share with them; what's mine is theirs. :)

Oh no, I'm not saying humans can't or shouldn't go outdoors.

In fact, they should a lot more. =p

But I think there's something inherently unpleasant about thinking that animals should respect a yard's property lines. That seems like taking things too far.

Property lines are for other humans to follow. Not wild animals. I don't think it's right to think a person can just spray animals in the face, or violently assault them, just because an animal doesn't understand or care about human property laws.

Animals do very little harm, and if you leave water out over night, it's already to be considered filthy and non-potable, by my standards. But still, you're just an animal too, so if you'll be the wasp that stings anything that gets near your nest, that's your choice, just as it'd be your choice to be peaceful and accepting of other beings.

In the end, I came around to your view also. I began by spraying the furry bastards in the face, but it turned out they like cold showers, so I bowed to the inevitable. Peaceful co-existence is best.

Mhm, I think that sort of mindset can lead to a lot more happiness, once you realize fighting raccoons isn't as productive as learning to enjoy their company.

People often make a strange mistake of shunning potential allies and friends, while consorting with unsavory sorts.

Those guys were having a party out there and you were not invited @donkeypong.

What party? :) They were happy enough to include me when I went out there, but after the hose did not drive them away, I decided it wasn't my party.

LOL, you win some and you lose some, as long as you win more than you lose, then it's all good! :)

They may look cute but if they are crapping in an area your child plays in, that could be dangerous. Cool pictures :-)

Wow that's pretty scary.

You had sprayed with water and they enjoyed it. Hmmm... I do not have idea to overcome this, because there is not racoon in my country. So can you ask suggestion about this problem to animal control departement in your region ? :)

Good thought. There are enough raccoons around, though, that I think animal control does not bother with them. We just have to learn to co-exist.

Nice one. Resteemed :-)

They can be mean too. Not generally aggressive, but not cuddly to match their cuteness either.

fint bilder tack

thats awesome!
all we get down here are possums rolls eyes