Welcome to the Farm! Now, come help me take care of the bees... - Beekeeping Adventures

in #nature7 years ago

My son has this friend that came down to visit from South Carolina. He's been hanging out on the farm for a few days now. He helped out a bit on the horse barn which I really appreciate. Last night he was looking a bit bored so I invited him to put the suit on and come out to the hives!

I showed him the small hive where I just put this new swarm, then we collected a bit of honey from one of the other, more mature hives. The bees were a bit angry that I was opening their hive at 7pm, but we got through it. We only took 3 frames of honey for now ;)

My new temporary helper was a bit awkward with it all since he'd never done anything like this before. It was fun watching his reaction to the bees and the whole process.

I love sharing my farm, my story and my activities to help others get a different perspective on life!


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Thank you for sharing this time with me!


I love that you share so much with us all about your real life, your place "Daddykirbsfarm" is a real farm! Resteemit! upvote! (hoping I am doing the upvote correct)

There have been a lot of visitors that get to engage with animals that they've never seen up close before. The horse, the bees, chickens, ducks, tortoises... It's so cool to watch people light up when they realize that they can interact with nature so personally.

Real life hands on up close and personal is how they learn about the foods most people only see in packages at the store, to many they have lost the life connection with what they consume.... ;-) (off soap box now)...

I'll be able to do more of these interactions when I finally, some day, figure out how to leave my day job! LOL

LOL Good luck with that feat! I worked harder when I retired!

I don't want to work less... just more on my farm and not out making someone else rich.

Shhh be careful what you wish for... The curse is real!!! I could see workshops, guided tours, hands on gardening to future farmers (Grade 1-12), classes for chicken 101-?, landscape management, horse care, turtle care,duck care (starting to see the curse?) Yup you can be the farmer who does the energizer bunny 24/7/365 if you are not careful.... Some day I will tell you about what one of my days were like when I retired...

Me too weetreebonsai, but I think I'm busier because I've taken up homesteading, gardening, and food storage techniques. Add those to the crafts and chrchette I was already doing and it makes for a very filled day.

Glad to hear that he got up the nerve to go try the bee keeping thing.

Is he a robot?

Haha, he looks like he's doing the robot dance in this series of photos LOL

Very cool! I miss my bees! Need to get more! Wait, you said down from SC, What state are you in?

I'm in Texas :)

Okay, that's what I thought but when you said down I though, he is in Georgia too???!!! lol!

He's in Texas!! Haha. This is funny, I once stayed at a hotel where this woman had a real southern draw...I asked her where she was from and she said, "oh honey I am from way south from Georgia."

Which I thought, "that's not south. Isn't south Texas as south as you can get??"

Haha. But I guess Texas is a different part of the country.

Also, I apologize if that's not what you were referring to @wholesomeroots. You are correct that "coming down from SC is coming way down!" 😀😀

Alabama and Georgia may sound southern but they ain't got nothing on us for TACOS!

😂😂😂!!!! 👍🏻

You got a $.01 upvote from me on this one DaddyKirbs.

I'll give you $0.12 back on the comment! LOL Thanks :)

lol, I was like,,,, we neighbors???!!!

Food may come from the ground on a farm, but it certainly isn't free. :-)

Indeed! I got stung 4 times last night. I'm glad my helper did not.

It's a lot of fun, and fulfilling work.

Woah! Cool!!😃😃😃

Just love it when you have an opportunity to introduce someone to the bees. With luck they will find a friendship that will last a lifetime.