
That’s a cool name :) it’s really funny the things they get excited about too.... those pinned eyes are so funny. How old is Mango ?

Just over two. My friend has a massive avery that supplies the country. He also has exotic birds that he looks after for other countries so they have breeding pairs safely tucked away.
His parrot cages have fine mist spraying and wild strawberries growing on the ground. It took me 4 hours to walk around and was one of the best experiences I have had with parrots.

this is my dream to have a huge backyard avery, it will happen someday. Romeo is 4 and his home cage is really huge, double wide macaw cage, really the largest you can buy but he hates being in the cage. I just re arranged his toys the other day and he is a little more happy about it but the avery of my future will be great. I see photos and videos of people's backyards with these amazing aviaries and I am so jealous. I keep working to make it happen but it's tough, houses are so expensive in california. really cool you have a 2 year old, i would like to see some photos and stuff. I will send you an invite to my discord too, we can be bird buddies :)