Hoping to head to Chicago in the fall, so I'm happy you've mentioned this place - I'm totally going to put it on my list! I love plants :3
Hoping to head to Chicago in the fall, so I'm happy you've mentioned this place - I'm totally going to put it on my list! I love plants :3
If you are there in the fall it will be amazing, as long as you make it before the cold hits and all the leaves fall. If you can time it up right it is the most colorful time of the year to check out the gardens.
They are about 30 minutes north of the city but pretty easy to get to. Let me know if you want any other recommendations of what to do. Chicago is amazing...at least in the Spring, Summer and Fall...I love the place, but I can't lie Winter for anyone visiting can be pretty miserable...talking icicles forming on my mustache miserable.
Absolutely, and thanks! Looking at early September, so hopefully it will be okay. I'm a softy Vancouverite, but I survived a trip to Montreal in winter this year (barely. My eyelashes were freezing to my skin and we had to stop to duck inside every 5 minutes while walking so our lungs would stop burning) so maybe I could make it work...
hitting up one of the Kuma's is high on my list...
You definitely need to hit up Kumas!!! But only go to the one in Logan Square, the other one's are good...but the original is the best, something different between them for sure. Try and get there during an off time, otherwise you might be stuck with a 2 hour wait...