A Quick Look at the First Flowers of Spring [Nature]

in #nature7 years ago


Jones family, if you know what I mean.This is a perfect example of what a healthy #crocus flower should look like, growing in the front yard of a person's lovely yard near the sidewalk. There were many such lovely examples on my lunch time break today on a bittersweet day. The wind was still chill from the morning freeze, yet the sunglow was warming the surfaces of anything it touched. On this particular street, everything was perfectly prepared to awaken into full color for Spring. Almost every house on this street was owned by members of the

All of these are original photos taken from my smartphone. A few photos were adjusted slightly to heighten their colors.


Pastel #blossoms peeking out from the grass.


Delicate tissue soft white and violet crocus.


#Rosemary is an herb that grows on a bush. Here it is in full bloom.


These blooms are so big and healthy, they are climbing up through this ground cover.


Witch Hazel is recognizable by the tassel shaped flowers. These are a rich red leather burgundy color, but I have also seen another variety with orange flowers. This small tree can be used for making medicine that is very astringent, and helps to cleanse and smooth skin. The lovely leaves are also known for having a variety of different colors in the fall. This tree is on my wish list to grow some day, but they are kind of spendy.


Correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is a decorative dogwood tree. They are generally a small tree, and have wonderful scented flowers. This variety has gently wavy lateral branches that make it very appealing. Flowers are growing underneath.


White and yellow centers looks almost like scrambled eggs. These crocus flowers are nestled in comfortably under the warmth of a large decorative boulder.


Yes, they even come in butter yellow. Who knew there were so many different varieties of this flower?


Berries growing on the bush for the birds to eat.

I really wish I could grow even one of these lovely patches of flowers in my yard this spring. It just wasn't meant to be. Slugs have to be fed after all.

Here are the remains of the crocus flowers I planted in my yard recently...


Going... going... going...



That's okay, though.

I'm much better at playing revenge when I want to get down to business...


Only the best for the slugs in my yard.

The breakfast of champions!


Thanks for reviewing my post.

In the comments below, tell me how your own garden flowers are doing, or tell me what your favorite Spring flower is. Include photos if you have any examples to share.



I'm fond of floral photography that's why I love to capture spring flowers and I have a collection of spring flowers on my steemit blog as well. I used my logo (which is in Urdu Language) for not stealing by anyone.

You should also use logo on your captured images if you don't have yet then I can make it one for you. :)

Here are I'm sharing two images which is not from my garden because I have no garden at my home so I captured them on flower event. Hope you will love both best shots. :)


This one is my favorite flower so far. :)


Nice. I like the little camera logo. If I could think of a smaller logo than the one I use I might consider it. Right now, I don't mind if anyone takes my photos, as long as they are not claiming I stold from them. You are right, a logo will prevent misuse, and I should consider that.

Thank you for noticing and kind words. :)

hahah those slugs are definitely going to have a blast, next they'll want a tv! I dream of the day that we get all seasons in my hometown. I'm sure some would prefer to have a forever everlasting summer like I do. But I think that we're currently having a bigger impact on climate change. So many people caring about the environment, yet so many live as if it did not matter at all. Guess I'll have to settle for my endless sunny days here (for now, I want to meet the snow, the freezer doesn't count). We have rain seasons but they don't last much. we just had one and lasted less than two weeks! Sometimes we don't have rains for years, and you can guess how much impact that has on the trees and plants around here. I live within a very arid area in Venezuela, near the planet's equator, in a peninsula with warm beaches, a really hot sun that can help a lot of plants to thrive, but without rains they need a lot of help to do so.


I'll leave you a couple of photos that I just posted from my stock of flowers. Hope you can see them, the first one is from a bag of seeds from Oklahoma! I will try to post as many as I have, and put together some kind of a catalogue, because I sell them (the whole plant, not just the flower) but I also donate a lot of them to schools. I prefer to give a plant as a gift than just the flower itself. It can help to raise awareness about making amends with nature. Cheers and thank you for making a difference!


Wow, check out these links to his photos. That second one looks like a real starfish. I want more of my followers to share posts they are proud of in the comments below.

wow...the flowers are looks preety ggod. i love all the flowers you shared.

I love crocus flowers :) It is a sign that spring is coming! Here is a picture of the only flowers in my garden right now. I'm not sure about the English name..


How many we did not talk life about emptiness, sometimes only enough one flower, to dissuade us.Your post pleased me.Successes to you and successes

I already upvote ya @creativetruth

Ahhh you're getting so many flowers already! Where are you at? Crocus are so pretty, I don't think I have any here... I should plant some. They're such a sign that spring is on its way! No real slug issue here as it is so dry. No blooms here yet, it's still so cold!

This is the Pacific Northwest USA. Unlike the East Coast, slammed with snow, we have had a mild warm winter this year.

The people who grow these flowers, I would not be surprised if they use chemicals to kill slug, or even hire gardeners to pick out the slugs every night. This street is also popular for walking dogs. Maybe pets also help control the slug population.

I am in Central Oregon! Yes we have had a terribly mild and dry winter! It's been crazy! But still nothing is blooming over here in the desert. Hahaha.

Maybe get some ducks, I hear they like slugs!

Slugs suck but least neighbors are not trespassing and just digging up bushes for themselves. As if people would not notice when they put them in their front yard only 2 blocks away exactly what went missing the same day it happened…

I have no clue what dogwood even smells like I would find it strange if they did not smell like a dog after being named from one. They do look interesting I just prefer bigger and more proud trees. Massive mighty oaks and the such.

Did someone steal plants from your yard? I will never understand the mind of a selfish criminal.

Now I don't feel so bad when a family member sabotages one of my plants or bonsai trees to die.

Yep a while back. people are scumbags a bit. I don't know why but this brought that up.

This is the third post of crocuses I have seen in the last few days! Signs of spring are EVERYWHERE! (except here!)

Now if the 10 inches of snow would melt outside maybe I can see signs of spring here too!