Behemoth - one of the largest land animals on the planet. His weight sometimes reaches 4 tons. This is an amazing animal lives in the vast Africa and is a semi-aquatic lifestyle.
Few people know that:
- The strength of the bite hippo is 230 kg.
- Proportionally hippo head one of the greatest goals in the world.
- With its huge light, a hippo can hold their breath up to 5 minutes.
- Нippo's mouth can open nearly 120 centimeters.
- In hot weather or when the hippo is long in the sun, his skin turns pink. It's not a tan, and a special substance that is extracted from the skin to protect against erosion of the skin.
- We have properties hippo skin antibiotic, it promotes decontamination and rapid healing of wounds.
- The most dangerous animal in Africa for a man is not a lion or a crocodile and hippopotamus.
- Life expectancy depends on the hippo teeth amortization. If the teeth are completely erased, the animal will not be able to chew food, so that die of hunger.
- Hippos live exclusively in fresh water and is absolutely not suited for life in salt water.
- All hippos are born in water.
- In search of hippos suitable food can pass through 10 km per night.
- The older female or male, the greater their weight.
- Hippos and whales evolved from a common ancestor.
- In the wild, an adult hippo practically no enemies. Prey lion or crocodile can only be a weak animal or a calf.
- Hippos can make sounds like over the water and under the water.
Superb post @ creativemind!
Hippos can be very fast in the water too,because in the water doesnt matter how heavy your body is, this is a think that the people who visit those places forget and somethis beacuse of that accidents happen.