You take much better pictures than I can, Rebecca. Just ask Danny, he will back that up with some interesting stories.
You're much stronger than I am also, I would be naming all of the little animals around...feeding them also :) Well, certain ones anyway. I know you're not supposed to but sometimes it's just so dang hard to see something and not help it a little.
What can I say, I'm bad to name just about anything. I named our wood stove "Freddy." I also name every car that I get. I know, I'm sad lol.
I can so relate to wanting to make everything in your life familiar and comfortable. I generally like all my ducks in a row. LOL! (Yeah, a huge dollop of OCD is a factor in my world.)
I used a regular digital camera with zoom for this picture. With my cell phone I wouldn't have been able to capture it because I had to take the photo from a good distance away so that I wouldn't scare the swans away. You take great pictures...don't sell yourself short @carolina-girl.