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RE: Visualise 8,000 Centuries of Climate Change in 3 Minutes!

in #nature8 years ago

CO2 levels were much higher in the past than they are today. CO2 levels are 400 parts per MILLION. Explain to me the science behind 1 molecule of CO2 in 25,000 being able to warm the earth.

Global cooling / global warming / climate change is both a deliberate fraud and a hoax. That's why they keep changing the name. Remember when we were told that hurricanes would become more common and they would be more severe? Neither one happened. Remember when we were told that ice in the Arctic would disappear? It hasn't happened.

Global warming is a deliberate mix of half-truths and outright lies. Take Antarctica. The Ross Ice Shelf area IS warming but the rest of the continent of Antarctica is COOLING. You didn't know that, did you?

The people pushing this are using lies and panic to get people to make radical changes to the ways they work and live.