Last summers insect encounters in my garden.

in #nature7 years ago

I get quite a lot of wildlife coming into my garden but I don't always manage to have my camera with me, or manage to get a good picture.
here are a couple I did mange to get good pictures of.


The first one is a dragonfly that got stuck in our house and needed a hand to get back out. As thanks it stayed on my hand long enough for me to take a couple of photographs of him.


Next up is this moth that I noticed in the grass as I was cutting the lawn so I moved it out of the way.


He really was a colourful little guy and was easy to spot in the grass so that day not being camouflaged saved him.


I've taken 1000s of photo over the last couple of years of dragonflies, moths and the likes but these are real beauties.

I think I got lucky with these photographs, got loads more that are not good enough to share.

Awwww, beautiful photos. I have a special affinity with dragonflies, and this is a lovely picture of a gorgeous one. So glad you helped these ones.

We get quite a few dragonflies in the garden, love to see them around.

The DragonFly photo is awesome. It was good of him to allow you time to take a photo! I love the colouring on this moth. I have never seen a red one before. Thanks for sharing.

He sat on my finger long enough for me to take a couple of photographs before he flew off, as for the moth he is the first one I've ever seen of his species even though they are supposed to be common.

Nice! Could be an elephant hawk moth, that last one. Not sure, though.

The bottom photograph is of the underside of the moth.

Ohhh..lovely little creatures! 😊

These insects are colourful and beautiful...I love your type of camera

Amazing photography.nature very beautiful.
Thanks for sharing this post..
Best of luck.

really your post story is very good and you are a person unyielding even though did not have time to take photos of clay animals in your garden but you keep trying with as much as possible

it's really a very fun story and the photo you took it's results are amazing even if you do not have time to take it with a good camera

really a very good post, although your story is there sad and there are also happy it, it is your efforts that produce very good results