Annual:Annuals are plants that live for a year of less. Annuals are known as seasonal flowering plants which flower only for three to four months. They are normally grown through seeds. Examples are Balsam, Basil, Marigold, etc.
Biennials:Biennials are plants that do not bloom until their full vegetative growth. They grow in strong plants in the first season, then bloom, self seed and die in the second season. Examples are Foxglove, Echium Wildpretti, Bellis, Canterbury Bells, etc.
Perennials:. A perennial will live in the garden for years. The stem will die down each winter and new shoots will appear in the spring. Examples are Armeria, Aster, Water Lily, etc.
Shrubs:Shrubs are woody plants smaller than trees, having short stems with branches near the ground. Examples are Hibiscus, Aralia, Eranthemum, Rose, etc.
Creepers: A creeper is a plant that grows along the ground, on walls or trees, etc. Examples are Allamanda, Passiflora, etc.
Bulb: A bulb is a specific stem structure which is planted beneath the soil and stays underground. Roots grow down form it, and stem and leaves grow up from it. Examples are Dahlia, Potato, Crocus, etc.