The trend of better quality control of natural products

Today I was invited to the ribbon-cutting ceremony of Polar Bear Genome BioPharma and was excited on their science-based approach. Dr. Jacqueline Shan, the CEO of this company is a co-developer of the natural cold remedy product, Cold-FX. In the picture I took, it's Dr. Shan and the mayor of Leduc county conducting the ribbon-cutting.

Polar Bear Genome BioPharma is a Canadian company committed to becoming a world leader in the development and manufacturing of evidence-based natural health products and medicinal cannabis products using its proprietary GenBioChem™ fingerprinting technology platform. Quality control of natural products is essential as it makes no sense if a product contains different contents each time. The GenBioChem™ fingerprinting technology will be used to produce natural medicine with a consistent composition, guaranteeing purity, authenticity, safety, effectiveness and consistency from batch to batch.

There are currently two phase-2 clinical trials going on with this company on their products. I think this pharmaceutical approach for natural products looks promising. They will also offer their lab services to assist the potential business customers interested in natural products to develop their own natural products.

The world is a small place, so I think it's worth my effort to share this here, who knows if anyone will find this information useful?

Disclaimer: I am only an invited guest and I am not affiliated with this company. As an attendee, I got a surprise gift bag containing this AllergyRF product, which is a natural product with this company that helps on allergy relief. I will give my wife a try, as I don't have allergies.

If you are interested in their approach, check out their website:




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I've known Dr. Shan for many years and this approach of total quality control on natural products seems very sound. It's the type of control that truly validates complex matrices like botanical extracts where most frequently, a single marker compound (active) is chosen and all tests are run just against that single marker.

Cool! Nice to know Dr. Shan has recognition. I agree, its not a very good practice to test one ingredient but not others. It would be nice to know what else is in an extract and make it consistent between batchs.

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Great post @windenchanter,

That fingerprinting technology sounds very promising. Managing the purity, authenticity, safety, effectiveness and consistency from batch to batch and being able measure it all through assays provides that extra layer of transparency.

Keep sharing ...! Let us know how the AllergyRf goes.

Thank you! I will keep an eye on those products.

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Sounds very good, but ..