What a wonderful story! I love the pictures of your girl and her cousin playing midwife - just wonderful!
The UK (at least when I was there - my youngest is now nearly 8) - probably leads the world in progressive childbirth for all. It was a much nicer experience than here in the USA. Here, it's all medicalized - whereas in the UK, it's seen as the natural part of life that it is. I was attended by midwives all the way through five pregnancies in the UK - never had too many problems, though my youngest one could have been the exception had it not been for an awesome midwife who knew how to handle my stuck baby. The only time I ever had an infection post-partum was in the USA where they hardly check on you at all and tell you to shower, not bathe. (In the UK, the first thing I was told to do was to take a bath!)
I'm so glad that you've struck out on your own to do what's needed, not necessarily what's approved of.
I found you because @porters featured you in the Pay it Forward Curation contest. Keep up the great work!