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RE: Adding to a Cornucopia of Goodness - My Favorite Home Remedy...

Plantain is one of my go-tos as well. I've already observed it to be more effective than hydrocortisone cream on mosquito bites (even on a child who has more severe reactions than most.)

I even used dock weed in a pinch when I first came to Wyoming - I couldn't find plantain anywhere for the longest time. So, on a hunch, I picked dock and found out that it has similar properties. I used the dock-infused olive/coconut oil on a (2-year-old) child with a spider bite that looked really bad - I'd said to her mother that she really needed a doctor if the dock oil didn't work by the end of the day! Yeah... the dock oil worked extremely well - in fact by the next morning, it looked no worse than a normal child's mosquito bite the next day. We were all really impressed!


Good to know! I have plenty of plantain, more so than dock but who knows where you'll be when you need a natural remedy and it's good to have choices.

I am quickly learning that wherever you are, there are options and treatments for almost anything you want. Did you know that the Indians were known to use plantain for rattlesnake bites? There was even a documented case of a woman who was in very poor shape after a bite - and plantain saved her!

Yes I had heard that. Often it is just a matter of having eyes to see what is available to us.