Monday Magick: Rough Plan for Creating a Spellbook & Checking Out The School of Wizardry

I spent a good chunk of last week in the Joshua Tree desert for a Winter Solstice gathering with a handful of people, and one of the things that came to me was a clear idea of how to create a spellbook (or at least a collection of spells) for myself - and potentially to share with others.

I don't know the extent to which I will be sharing those spells online, especially in a public forum... but we'll see :-)

For the moment though, I am happy to share this vision that came through for formulating them.

Basically, each spell will have 3 parts... though actually one of those "parts" is a bunch of things. Anyway, the parts are as follows:

  1. Mudra (hand gesture/pose) - I have texts containing over 700 Mudras, mostly from Buddhist & Hindu teachings, as well as Kundalini Yoga, that I will be using as the basis for these.
  2. Rune - I will be creating my own rune for each spell, with some inspiration from already existing Norse, Celtic, Egyptian, and other runic systems.
  3. The Magic Words - For each spell, I will be creating/choosing an affirmation or phrase of some kind that generates the energy I wam wishing to harness, and then translating that phrase into Latin, Gaelic, Sanskrit, Hebrew, and potentially another language or two.

So, yeah... That's where I'm at with it right now. Besides just living life, traveling, cooking, and visiting friends, one of my big focuses this season has been around collecting magick/occult/esoteric texts. I managed to pull over 8000 texts just from a handful of Telegram groups, and I have of course scoured the Pirate Bay as well.

I'd love to hear your approach to spell-making, thoughts on this formula, etc. :-)

The Penkhaduce - Created by Oberon Zell Ravenheart

An Actual [Online] School of Wizardry

Anyone here familiar with the Grey School of Wizardry?

I've been exploring their website, and the founders/faculty of the school for some time, partially for my own interest & curiosity, and partially because I think that my little sister would enjoy their program (and she's about to turn 11, which is when their kids program starts.)

I haven't talked to anyone who has taken any classes with them yet, and only one friend had even heard of it really, but I get a pretty good feeling from the documentation. The flow seems quite flexible, with 7 "levels" you work up through, tuition that is annual rather than based on the number of classes ($100 for kids, $200 for adults), and 16 different departments you can study/major/minor in:

  1. Wizardry (indigo)
  2. Natural Philosophy (silver)
  3. Magickal Practice (gold)
  4. Psychic Arts (aqua)
  5. Healing (blue)
  6. Wortcunning (green)
  7. Divination (yellow)
  8. Performance Magicks (orange)
  9. Alchemy & Magickal Sciences (red)
  10. Lifeways (rose)
  11. Beast Mastery (brown)
  12. Cosmology (violet)
  13. Mathemagicks (clear)
  14. Ceremonial Magick (white)
  15. Lore (grey)
  16. Dark Arts (black)

Each department has classes at levels 1-7, with close to 400 classes available right now. That is a LOT of content!

I don't know what major I would go for, but I am personally most drawn to this option:

Apprentices can become "Wizard of the Greater Rainbow" by declaring (and completing) a major in any one department AND taking an upper level (L6-7) class in all 15 remaining departments. If the L6 or L7 class have pre-requisites of lower level classes, those classes have to be completed, as well, of course.

Please let me know if you or anyone you know have any experience with the GSW, I'd love to hear some feedback before diving in... but I'm probably going to dive in. 😋

PS: Yes, I am well aware that it is no longer Monday... but it was when I started writing this, and I want to make this (Monday Magick) a weekly post, so I figured I would just roll with the name anyway.

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Hey kenny, it's interesting you post about this. I've been exploring the spiritual stuff myself mostly with some rituals like witch candles, spell jars and tarot readings. Recently I made my own grimior that's leather backed. I wrote a tutorial for it in my book if you're interested.

This stuff is all really fascinating to me. At the least, it's a very creative way to set intentions and problem solve and that alone has made practice worth it.

Last night I did a 24 card tarot spread geared towards shadow work and I put all my crystals and my deck in the moonlight. Oh and water. I'll have moon tea, today.

Hope you're good. Sounds like you are.

I agree; at the very least it's a bunch of ways to dive deeper into intention setting, affirmations, focusing on one's impact on the world... and I've also had a LOT of magical experiences over the last few years, things that I wouldn't believe if someone had simply described them to me.

I'm doing pretty great :-) Living lots of flow, having an easeful year, focusing on magic! Most likely heading down to Mexico in a couple weeks.

Probably going to be focalizing some rituals & magical classes while I'm in Acapulco. You going to be down there?

I'll be down there during Anarchapulco. If you'll be there at the same time I definately want to be involved with these classes :)

Thins are great here, focusing on the hustle and manifestation myself. Trying to make good things happen for me and getting creative about it. So far, it's working.

Hey there Kenny, as a teenager I studied a bit of Magick, before I entered the yoga ashram. Mostly traditional western magick is from the alchemists of the middle ages, as well as Kabbalah of the Hebrew tradition. Eliphas Levi, McGreggor Mathers and Aleister Crowley were well known adepts, with the Golden Dawn by Crowley in the late 1800s and early 1900s becoming popular. Tarot is also mixed into that along with Egyptian symbolism.

In the Vedic tradition it might fall under Tantra, the left hand path or something like that. The Clavicula Solomonis or Key of Solomon the King, was a famous original magick text, if you want to investigate.

You appear to be practicing chaos magick, where the adept combines whatever works for them in a hybrid and syncretic style, taking from diverse practices and making it up as you go along lol.

I don't bother paying for online courses of any sort and have always been able to learn for free or teach myself, by purchasing books or scouring the internet as you have done. Ultimately, whether you are conjuring up some demons or ghosts or whether it's just the imagination and will, (attention with intention) - a lot will be speculation and experiment, which may satisfy the mind, and focus the attention. Talismans work like that, as do spells, I presume. The true power lies in your psychic ability or strength of your frequency or auric body, regardless of tools used. You are the most important tool. By purifying your mind and heart, as well as being physically clean, and in a clean sacred space, you can achieve much. The yoga path gives you the techniques to purify the mind with mantras, and correct diet, as well as the timing of your spells and rituals, according to the planetary alignments (astrology) or times of day (muhurtas). For example the most important time of day to meditate is 90 mins before sunrise, that is the Brahma muhurta, used by yogis for prayer and puja - which is a ritual ceremony of worshiping your deity, with incense, flowers, water, and prayers, etc.

I have also become a bit eclectic and use the chaos concept of hybridized practice, though it may be frowned upon by purists. Ultimately the Holy Guardian Angel, spoken of in magick, is perhaps the Supersoul or Paramatma in the heart of every living being, god in the heart.

I would say that the goal of life is not to acquire the objects of the senses, mammon, but to cultivate heightened consciousness of our true identity as eternal spirit soul, and to revive our original dormant personality before entering this body. So as long as your magick practice is not fueling further greed, power over others, or material desires, then it can be used to call upon guidance on the mystical path.

Posted on

Whilst I have no experience with wizardry, I did love the concept as a kid (teenager) and was always drawn it - I can definitely see you as arch wizard! I love the idea of your spell book - I think @drrune might have something to contribute here! As a yogi, I adore the concept of blending in mudras into your spells. Another way to focus attention.

Happy Solstice, as belated as that may be.

Posted on

Indeed I do! Well, my most profound experience is with shamanic rituals, trances and oracles, but I have delved into mystical traditions such as Hermeticism and Kabbalah. All of the practices that I engage in, however, are tributaries of my overarching role as a Storyteller, so that is my approach to magic as well.

@kennyskitchen, if you want to discuss ideas, I have had some experiences that might be of interest to you!

Hey Kenny! I would just add sigils to your mudra, rune, magic words series. Thank you for sharing Grey's School link. Very helpful! Blessings!