Great story! I have heard some really amazing things about the potential of cannabis. One source I was hearing said that these chemicals affect your brain and help you to be less connected to past experiences, separating the now from the past, getting in the way of certain memories. This seems amazingly useful in cases of PTSD.
Plants are powerful, and they give power to the people. I am a big supporter of plants, and I am glad you found one that has helped you!
One question, is it legal in the US to grow a cannabis plant? Do you know where I could check out information on that?
Thanks for baring your soul onto the blockchain!
I live in Michigan and it is legal to grow so long as you pay the right people and get the right signatures. In the United States under federal law it is still listed a schedule one which means it has no found medical value. However we had a supreme Court ruling stating that medicinal marijuana was a states right issue.
It's like riding on the edge of a cliff to grow in the states at some times. The law is not widly known and the propaganda from the past keeps about 38% of the nation still on it's tows about it. I believe over 20 states are now legal. A few of them have recreationalized where anyone over 21 can purchase marijuana at a local distributor without an ailment. But the tax rate in these states exceed 20% on the sales tax for marijuana.