I sometimes mix in ginseng for a little extra energy kick.Loved the story, that's one of my favorite tea mixes. I have to buy it though, to my knowledge there we don't have either around here. https://wildalaskachaga.com/buy/chaga-mate-tea-bags/
neither tea is considered palatable
People eat and drink some strange things, and acquire a taste for it, beer for instance. Personally, I prefer chaga/yerba mate over beer.
How about that! I am not the first! I will have to try it with ginseng.
Maybe not the first, but the first I have seen making it yourself, which is immensely more awesome. What part of the country do you live in that you can find Chaga?
I stumbled on from Tim Ferriss, he was promoting a coffee with Chaga in it, for cognitive enhancement.
Southeastern US, high altitude
Ok probably a little further north from me. Western NC or East TN.

It's a little foggy/rainy this morning but I can usually see Brasstown Bald from my front porch. This is from the backyard earlier this year. Brasstown Bald would be behind the large poplar tree.
I found Jesus for the 2nd time at Brasstown. If you get high enough on a mountain in Pisgah NF, you might see some Chaga. Not sure though.
Cool been through the area. I think there are a couple of people on here from Ashville. Bunnypuncher posted some pics from the experiment station/gardens near Ashville.
Brasstown NC? or on top of the mountain? There are a few good places to find him around here. The creek that runs near my house is called Brasstown creek.
Brasstown, the town. New Years possum drop!