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RE: The Dirty Dozen - Toxic beauty and hygiene ingredients to avoid!

in #natural7 years ago

It's funny, I used to die for this cologne my husband wore. He's stopped wearing it due to our views on chemicals. The other night he tossed a bit on and I just couldn't tolerate it! Totally overwhelming and unpleasant. Now we use hydrosols as perfume, essential oils are the way to go for me. I'm makeup free 90% of the time, maybe more... when I do put something on it's really minimal and from the brand 100% Pure. I'm starting to make my own hand soap, body wash, and toothpaste so I'll likely have a post up about that in the coming days :) Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have a wonderful day!


I tried making my own toothpaste, and I was fine with it, but I don't think you're technically supposed to spit coconut oil down the drain? Our drain now has a smell that I can't get to go away, and I wonder if it was from the homemade toothpaste. I'd love to see future posts on homemade products!

I've oil pulled in the past and you're right! I had to spit it in the trash can. I wonder if you could do something with baking soda and lemon juice for the smell? It's a thought. I use ice, baking soda and lemons to clean my disposal. I'm glad you said that about the coconut oil though, because I had forgotten all about that!