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RE: The Dirty Dozen - Toxic beauty and hygiene ingredients to avoid!

in #natural7 years ago

I’ve never been a fan of makeup. Grew up not wearing it, dabbled with it a little in my 20’s. I’d put it on for rare special occasions (like my profile pic which was taken at a wedding) but I dislike the feeling on my skin and couldn’t wait to scrub it off. A few months ago I threw away the few items I’d been keeping around “just in case an occasion comes up” and it was so freeing! I joked to my husband that throwing away makeup should be the modern equivalent of bra burning ;)

Thanks so much for this article, because I’m going to copy and save the link so I can refer back to it while going on a hunt for other offenders in the house. I already use a lot of natural bath products, but I’m sure there’s room for improvement!