MOUNTAIN SINABUNG MELETUS BIG THIS MORNING "- So said Head of Public Relations BNPB Sutopo Purwo Nugroho through his PN at 09:13 pm this morning. Thick clumps of ash seem to soar due to the eruption of Mount Sinabung. The height of the ash column reaches approximately 5000 meters accompanied by thundering sounds and hot clouds with a range to the northeast as far as 3500 meters, and to the south as far as 4900 meters. In addition Sutopo said that no residents in the vicinity of the eruption area. But this eruption raises the status of Mount Sinabung VONA to RED. Previously Mount Sinabung erupted and launched a hot cloud as far as 4.6 kilometers on 27 December 2017 yesterday - Mountnesia.
We do'akan just hope no bigger eruption so that our family there is not affected. Amiin "Follow me @listrik004
hopefully quickly stop the eruption. and no unwanted things happen