
Whatever we do to the least of these, we do it unto GOD!


One should never be stingy. Helping others makes more money

It's The right thing to do for sure! Over a decade ago, we fed our first homeless people, and it's always a blessing! We will feed again at the end of the month....


There are many people here who sleep on the streets. It's a bit cold inside.

These people sleep in the streets because they have no where else to go! It gets cold here in the winter, -20°F (about -10 °C) is not unusual, so we are trying hard to get them inside. Placed several in housing, the last few weeks.


You are doing a lot of good work in cold weather we can't bathe with cold water and these people are staying outside in cold weather

Sadly they are, but we're working on it! We have wanted to build a shower system on a trailer with a laundry. We have already done haircuts several times, and we want to add haircuts regularly!
