5g and the global reservation

Ok.. I've been warning and warning that technology is coming down that is going to effectively make the Earth.. our Mother Earth.. into one great big global reservation... and behold... right around the corner is the 5g network which is going slam the door shut on any opposition to the Elite European domination over this world... and what response have I gotten.. here or elsewhere??? almost zero... Z-E-R-O.... there are a few but generally it's crickets... as I've stated.. repeatedly.. how time was running short... well now it isn't running short.. it IS short... I've thrown all the solutions out there... get self reliant .. learn survival skills.. practice the old ways of doing things... get out of the towns and cities.. train yourself and arm yourself and remove yourself as far from society as possible... don't wait until the hammer comes crashing down.. then it's too late... I would love for some mystical unification to happen and all the bad guys would crap their pants at the sight of it and crawl under a rock somewhere too... but I don't believe that is Creators will.. that will come after for those with the foresight to prepare for it and see it through... if this idea offends than so be it... truth is truth and I know in my heart that truth is what I speak...