RE: I guess I'm being attacked by a gnat? Community Upvote Bot is off for a day or two... @thatanimesnob made me burn all my voting power flagging him :( WARNING! BLOCK THIS LIST OF USERS! THEY ARE DOWNVOTE BOTS!
Seriously... Get lost.
Flags can be removed and aren't de facto proof something is wrong.
SteemIt has a reputation system. Get a reputation before you go trying to convince anyone else that we should give a rat's ass! I Don't care WHO Started WHAT! Get a LIFE and move ON!
Or I'l Flag you myself! GET IT NOW?
So you are saying everything I say is invalid because I don't have enough reputation? How is that fair? If you don't care who started what, why are you supporting @nanocheeze and flagging me? That's a double standard. Not only that but you are threatening to flag me for exposing @nanocheeze's lies, abusing your higher reputation. How can I get a reputation if people like you abuse their status to flag users with lower reputation?
@frankbacon What a salty man, a guy link some truth post about the one who started it all and you get butthurt enough to downvote him so that his post get hidden...
Seriously... Get lost.
Flags can be removed and aren't de facto proof something is wrong.
SteemIt has a reputation system. Get a reputation before you go trying to convince anyone else that we should give a rat's ass! I Don't care WHO Started WHAT! Get a LIFE and move ON!
Or I'l Flag you myself! GET IT NOW?
So you are saying everything I say is invalid because I don't have enough reputation? How is that fair? If you don't care who started what, why are you supporting @nanocheeze and flagging me? That's a double standard. Not only that but you are threatening to flag me for exposing @nanocheeze's lies, abusing your higher reputation. How can I get a reputation if people like you abuse their status to flag users with lower reputation?
It’s economical warfare in here for attention. You didn’t seem worth mine. Carry on pal.
@frankbacon What a salty man, a guy link some truth post about the one who started it all and you get butthurt enough to downvote him so that his post get hidden...
A Flag is a Non-violent way to say get lost.
So get lost.@wellfml, good day to you.
Yes say that to @nanocheeze