Day 9 - Journaling in Public

in #najopomo18 days ago

 "NaJoPoMo 24 - Day 9.JPG"

I'm a closet journaler. It's very rare I journal in public or in front of others. Even when I travel I wake up before the day starts or stay up late and cuddle up to my journal alone.

I remember one time I was on my way home from a work trip. I was sitting in one of those stiff uncomfortable airport gate chairs. The ones with a weird slant to the rear so your water bottle keeps rolling back into the crack until you just end up accepting it as a prop for the small of your back.

My mind was filled with a happy memory I wanted to capture so I whipped out my journal and wrote. I don't remember how many pages I filled or what the memory was now, but I distinctly remember when I finished.

I looked up to find the people in the row across from me staring with cautious looks on their faces. I must have been laughing at whatever I was reliving. And not a cute harmless chuckle but the cackling kind because I felt the stretch of my smile go limp like I'd let it roll for too long.

But it's that experience that keeps me from journaling in public. Because I can't risk getting lost in the moment if I'm too expressive when I write. Who knows what could happen based off the tone of my entry. I could subject others to crazy laughter again, ugly crying, angry muttering or worse. And like I tell my family, we don't need fodder for the committal.

Do you journal in public, in private, or mix it up?

Day 9 National Journal Posting Month Complete


I must have been laughing at whatever I was reliving. And not a cute harmless chuckle but the cackling kind...

LOL, I actually burst out laughing. For all they know you were plotting revenge against someone who surely deserved it...or did they?

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