I've heard all kinds of advice for writers and who they should write to. Make your ideal target customer or reader persona and write to them is a common recommendation whether you write fiction or non fiction.
But who do you write to when you journal?
I've never given much thought to this. I feel I've been writing to myself all this time - like talking to myself maybe. And don't read too much into that or try to analyze me. But I came across a post on one of my SubReddits asking who names their journal. And that got me thinking.
Naming My Journal
I've never named my journal before but giving it a name sounds like fun to me. And I wouldn't just keep the same name for every journal. Oh no. I'd give a new name to each new journal.
I'm thinking of old school names you just don't hear anymore. Like Maurice and Gertrude. Or maybe I could just name it for it's appearance. I was gifted this amazing fury journal and Fuzzy has a nice sound to it.
What would you name your journal?
Day 4 - National Journal Posting Month Complete!
I write for myself. Not sure I would have enough names for all the journals. What if I had a red journal and called it "Red", but then had another red journal later?
Oh but who would know? I'm still kicking around this idea. I worry I'd end up being the crazy lady that talks to her books...that's a thing right?
LOL. Sure, why not?