Dear friend,
Let’s start at the beginning. Everyone knows, that on multiple fronts, the world is changing at speeds faster than light.We shouldn’t wait for artificial intelligence to reach an IQ of 10.000, as billionaire tech mogul Masayoshi Son has just predicted for the year 2047 (Meanwhile, the average IQ of your fellow human beings is 100). At the same time, we shouldn’t search for these transformations to happen because we expect them to be subtle and tame.
“Robots will be 100 times more intelligent than the average human in 30 years” — Masayoshi Son, CEO of SoftBank
The future is being unleashed rapidly right now!
There is nothing less going on than the merging of new technologies, financial and economic systems, and — perhaps the most important — large scale ambitions for the improvement of human affairs. That integration of metamorphic factors is enforcing quantum leaps in the system that we really need to discuss in the upcoming days.
Currently in business we usually run into so-called disruptions, a term indicating monumental changes in the world during 2017.

So let’s get started. What has changed?
The World of Money Is Turning Upside Down
In the wake of financial crises, such as the world has experienced in 2008, the community demands that the culprits are called out and punished.
But who are they, the culprits?
Greedy bankers? The global investment elite? The darkish intertwined complex of economic and political interest groups?
Let´s face it, the truth about the root cause of the global financial crises is a lot bigger than people want to see. A growing amount of economists are coming up with the same troubling idea, that it is the monetary system itself that triggers instability to our economies time and time again…
The culprit is, therefore, nothing less than the actual monetary system.
The fiat currencies of today — Euros, US-Dollars, British Pounds and all the others — are intrinsically worthless. They are nothing more than paper with printed numbers on them. Our common temporary agreement about their exchange value gives them monetary worth.

The money is obviously created by banks. Whenever a bank allows a credit, new fiat money is issued from nowhere. We even believe that this newly created money is legitimate because it is legal tender.
But it isn’t.
The legal tender you have is the one you carry in your pocket as coins and banknotes. Money that is stored on your bank account is NOT legal tender — it is deposit currency or money surrogate.
The money of today has some disturbing deficits. It comes with side effects. Nowadays money is losing its value due to inflation, the process allowed by central banks policy to ensure economic growth. At the same time,a gigantic redistribution of wealth caused by interest rate decisions with the expansion of the monetary base is taking place.
The division of winners and losers in society happens at the fault line of central bank policy.
Excessive national debt is made possible through fiat currency. With a look at the growing public and private debt, and misguided incentives, we can observe the recipe for the boom and bust cycles that keep us wondering about what’s wrong.
But now, all of a sudden, things are changing fast. In this way, a historic resemblance comes to mind.
The cambrionic explosion more than 500 million years ago was the relatively short period of time in earth’s history when most major animal phyla suddenly appeared. It was an explosion of life, the genesis of the massive biological diversity that gives stability to life itself.
The year 2017 — and to a lesser extent the last few years — has witnessed the explosion of another kind. The explosion of today are the so-called cryptocurrencies.
After the startling rise of Bitcoin, created in 2009, more than 1.000 cryptocurrencies have entered the market just recently, many of them this year. For some reasons, yet to be explored in our upcoming discussions, this revolutionary change will change our economy forever.
The productive competition of new money will unleash forces in our society that will be stunning.
New Innovative Companies Raise Money By Creating Currency
As a startup company, raising money is a tedious, expensive and sometimes risky process, where young entrepreneurs give a lot of time and equity away to institutional venture capitalists. Those firms then start making the rules. The culture changes, innovation becomes political, and the established system takes over.
But now, startups around the world are asserting their freedom to create and innovate. They are raising hundreds of millions of dollars by creating and selling their own cryptocurrencies. Up to the end of 2017, more than 3.25 billion dollars have been raised through so-called ICOs — Initial Coin Offerings. ICOs have grown to account for more startup funding in blockchain-based companies than all of Venture Capital. This is a watershed moment.

Here is how ICOs work.
Instead of asking venture capital firms or angel investors for money, companies developing blockchain-based products and services have turned to the cryptocurrency community to essentially crowdsource the purchase and usage of their token in an ICO.
We’ll explain EVERYTHING you need to know in order to understand this brave new world so that you could search through all these terms to get good use of your time in the upcoming days.
This is what you need to know now. ICOs are quite similar to a crowdfunding campaign, but instead of offering a copy of a product or shares of equity in a startup, what is being offered are so-called digital tokens. These are sold by the company and usually paid for via cryptocurrency, typically Bitcoin or Ether. In the end, you own a new digital currency that can be spent within the company’s ecosystem.
There is a lot more to it!
ICOs have turned into a vehicle for investors and early adopters to become seed or early stage participants in the growth of new business concepts.
Sometimes with absolutely astonishing returns — as these investors fully participate in the skyrocketing prices of their respective cryptocurrencies.
So with new innovative companies being able to move fast, avoid the pitfalls of the old tedious money-raising process, and with the ability of private investors to support a company or product idea at the point of inception, the world of startup financing is transforming at its core.
And right now, in 2017, the door is wide open to fully harness this opportunity and to profit from its potential.
But the true revolution that comes along with it, is far grander in scale, without any boundaries and with disregard for the old and tired structures of power that support today’s unequal distribution of wealth.
Billions Of People In Poor Countries Are Joining The New Global Economy
Statistics show that almost half the world’s population — over three billion people — live on less than $2,5 a day and at least 80 percent live on less than $10 a day. At the same time, the richest 20 percent account for three quarters of world income.
There are 2.2 billion children, one billion of them living in poverty, something is wrong.

Whatever you get out of these numbers, something clearly needs to get fixed.
Here is the thing about technology; it tears down barriers. It is the primary lever to bring about serious change to a world in serious need of it.
To combine the world of technology with the world of finance is at today’s juncture, the big opportunity to transform the world. It is also the mission of FinTech, the new industry that completely remodels the antiquated procedures of the financial world through innovative technology and software.
More than two billion people worldwide don’t have a bank account but do have a mobile phone, you can see that. Therefore, the mobile phone is a direct solution to a significant portion of the so-called underbanked. E-payment platforms, peer to peer lending platforms, new mobile based money transfer systems — millions and millions of people are gaining access to financial services for the first time each day with the push of a button.
There are enormous implications in the rise of new economies and the potential for prosperity and progress they bring to large segments of the poor. So, not surprisingly, cryptocurrency plays a large role in this. It offers a tremendous opportunity to improve the financial inclusion of unbanked and underbanked regions together with a simple way of transferring value. Cryptocurrencies can be sent anywhere at virtually no cost at all. You don’t need an ID or a typical banking infrastructure to use them.
All you need is a smartphone with internet access and you’re ready to go and able to send money across the world, or become a part of a new technology venture that changes lives and social conditions.

This is just the beginning to prepare you for what´s coming.
To know WHY these things are happening is the best way to understand HOW you can become a part of this revolutionary development. And obviously, how you can greatly benefit from it.
By joining the cryptocurrency movement you can enlist as a contributor to one the greatest economic advancements the world has ever seen.
Stay tuned, as we continue to take you on this amazing journey.
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