Hey, guys! How is it going?
31 years ago, Ukraine declared independence and seceded from the USSR. Then there were many compromises, promises and guarantees. But what everyone tried to avoid happened anyway - the war for independence. Obviously, this is something that had to happen sooner or later, and the reason for this is our insatiable neighbor Russia.
So how is it, living in Ukraine for those, who stay here? Is my glass half empty or half full?

I used to visit farmer's market on Saturdays. And on last Saturday I noticed that there are relatively fewer people people on the streets. There were also few sellers and buyers on the market. It took me a while to guess that the reason for this is Independence Day. Due to the threat of provocations at the nuclear plant and shelling, the city's residents left for several days to safer locations.
But it would be unfair not to mention that a traditional event, which often accompanies the celebration of Independence Day, did take place. This is a parade of military equipment. Parade on the main street of the capital of Ukraine, which was dreamed of by Russian soldiers who stood around Kyiv in February and March. They were elite troops, who took with them the parade uniform. And now the entire Khreschatyk street is filled with destroyed military equipment of the occupiers. It's a brilliant idea, I think.
I captured these photos last Sunday, not today. Today, I believe that it is better to avoid such places, although I believe in our armed forces. There were an extraordinary number of people, it seemed that all the residents of the city had come here that day. I took a lot of photos, but I don't know if I'll share them.
Independence Square, Kyiv, Ukraine. Aug, 21.

I was going to bake a plum cake today, and I was talking to Nick yesterday about going to the market for plums. And he said that this is a bad idea, because Russian missiles have hit our market many times. So I bought plums today from a street vendor.
When planning a trip by public transport or a visit to some establishment, we should take into account the possibility of an air alarm. At this time, the transport stops, and the visitors of the institutions must go down to the shelter or wait on the street. Sometimes you have to wait more than an hour.
Our life is waiting. For good or bad news. For the end of the war and the day when our friends and family will return.
Before I fall asleep yesterday, I thought that I don't want tomorrow morning to be like it was on February 24th. Actually, it was almost sleepless night, and today I am tired. Anyway, there are no celebration, and all big events and even work activity is cancelled because of a real threat of bombing. And looks like fears were not unfounded. Air raids all day, all around the country, and news about damages and fire.

So, my summer is almost over. I wasn't on vacation, I didn't swim in the sea, and I only wore a swimsuit once. I didn't even swim in the river, because the river was shallow and the water was cold. I traveled for 2 days, if that's what you can call a train trip to my hometown. And I have never visited a fish restaurant to taste my favorite fish this year. I was in the cinema once, and in order to be in time for the movie, I had to walk more than 5 km, because there was almost no public transport. I hope your summer was more fulfilling.
But I still find opportunity for small joys. Like celebrating the birthday of my only girlfriend at the moment.
Or a meeting with a friend who has done so much in these months for Nick and for the Ukraine in general.
And I also tasted a burger twice and ate a lot of ice cream, cookies and chocolate. 😄
Oh, I almost forgot! Nick and I have recently been officially married, after so many years together.😇 All together it took a little more than three hours, we just waited our turn, because during martial law this process changed a bit.
And Natalie finally received an offer of a hand and a heart💝, as well as a beautiful ring. Everything a young girl dreams of.💞 Now the official ceremony, church wedding and celebration should take place. Not in the same day. Pleasant chores await us. I really hope that I can make it, and that Nick can, and that my mom lives to see that day, too. Because she has been feeling worse lately.
So far so good. The 4th air raid for today, and plum cake is not yet baked, so I better be off.
Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!
P. S. Be my guest 😉🍷🥧
Your glass is half full girl, and filling up by the day even more, congrats on your wedding congrats on actually smiling!!!
I so look forward to returning to your beautiful country, and seeing more than I did.
Poignant words
Ah, you've been here! And it was somewhere after 2014 coz I see the building of Trade Unions that was on fire is closed with a banner. Yes, poignant and prophetic words. Back then it seemed to me that it can't be worse, but ... BTW, that place and renovated building looks very nice and modern now.
Kyiv will be waiting for you! And when (not if!) you decide to come let me know, I'd be happy to be your guide. 🙂
yes I visited in Spring of 2018, only a long weekend, I fell in Love!!! I spent hours in Independence Square just soaking up the atmosphere and chatting to people, and yes when I return, it would be great to meet you and enjoy your city again. Stay safe.
A great idea to have a parade of the enemy's destroyed military equipment! Must have been a bad day for Putin!
When I see your photos from Kyiv, when I see your smiling faces I can't think that was a war there, that war is hidden around the corner. All my admiration for you!
Congratulations on your marriage, and congratulations on the future marriage and health to your mother!
Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!
No doubt. They took revenge on us all day. Yesterday there were a total of 189 air raid alarms in Ukraine! An absolute record for the entire time of the war. Although these were not always airstrikes, sometimes they were imitations, but they still tried to inflict maximum damage. At night, there was also an attempt to hit Kyiv, but the missile did not reach the target.
You know, even during war there's always a reason for a smile :) Thank you so much for congrats and good wishes!
With pleasure and hope that life will overcome all these difficulties!
Так приємно дивитись на посміхнені обличчя.
І так хочеться щоб уся країна посміхнулась.
Ми посміхаємось, бо навчились цінувати прості речі...
Настане великий день, я вірю, коли ми всі будем усміхатись. Треба тільки дочекатись і вистояти. Українцям добре вдається і те, і те.
Передавайте Тарасу вітання від нас 🧡
Дай Бог. Так, це великий дар цінувати і берегти те, що маємо. Дякую. Обов'язково передам.💙💛
It was really disheartening what happens in your country Ukriane. I pray everyday for God's peace, comfort and restoration to all her citizens. Imagine walking a whole 5km because no public transportation was available....
Hearty congratulations to you on your marriage. Speedy recovery to.ypur dear Mum amd my best wishes to your friend.
It can only get better.
Almost running, to be in time, LOL.
Thank you, dear. Mom was taken to hospital today, doctors say they can help her. And Nat, who's engaged, is my beloved daughter ❤️
Appreciate your kind words, @sapphirekay! And thank you so much again for stopping by!
Aww congrats to your beloved Nats. Your Mum will be alright soon, don't worry 😌😌
You're very welcome. We are and will continue to pray for the peace of God in Ukraine. 😇😇🙌🙌💫💫
Я ДУЖЕ радий за Вас!!! Не знаю чому, мало Вас знаю, мені здається, що ви заслужили на щасття 💪
Дякую... 😊
Wonderful to read this update @zirochka and learn of your recent marriage, in spite of all the trouble and tragedy around you. And the upcoming marriage of your daughter, of which you both must be very proud. May your beloved mother live to see that day.
In the struggle of your country for independence from tyranny, we continue to pray for your ultimate success. And that some day, we will read of a new day of celebration, where this heroic struggle is honored, by those who have survived to see it!
Our Independence Day is July 4th, honoring our struggle against overwhelmingly "superior" forces, but God had a different plan. Today, sadly, in my long life I have lived to see the day when far too many of our people do not honor what was accomplished then. To the contrary ... And then on to whatever awaits us, as a result ...
Which makes all the more real for us this famous saying:
"Eternal vigilance the price of freedom"
God bless and keep you and your loved ones! 🙏❤️👍
Thank you so much for good words. My.mom is.my big concern, she is getting worse and worse, and seems it can't be helped...
This should not happen in any country, because you're right and I agree, if we don't learn our past lessons, the story will repeat itself. I so much wish we could live in peace, all people in the world.
Yes @zirochka ...
... this is the sad truth. From the beginning of time, I believe men (mankind) have been broken against the "Law of Sowing and Reaping." We just don't seem to want to learn that, yes, we are free to make decisions. To choose what we think is in our best interest.
But ...
What we are not free to do is determine the all-important consequences of our choices. I believe (others can, of course, believe whatever they wish) it is God who makes that determination.
Which, as you say, brings us to another famous quote:
"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." - Winston Churchill
Such is the modern world. We have thousands of channels of information, it covers us like a tsunami and distorts our thoughts and feelings. We are not able to think critically, to filter all this, no time, no resource, no will. We see many fragments, but we do not see the whole picture. And when we make decisions, they are not always conscious.
Happy Independence Day and CONGRATULATIONS on your marriage! You and your people continue to amaze the world with your bravery and resilience. Be well and know that many of us are praying for an end to this madness.
Thank you! And congratulations on your new amazing car! It's nice to know that you have chosen an ecological model.
Thank you @zirochka! Have a good weekend.
We have not forgotten you, or Ukraine ... Happy Independence Day, and CONGRATULATIONS on your marriage to Nick! Heroes together -- we love to see it!
Very much appreciate it 😊😇❤🤗
Happy Independence day: We are all happy that you are both still here. Congratulations too :)
Thank you SO much, @nikv ❤
We are here to the end🙂
As my favorite modern Ukrainian writer said, "The worst is behind, the most important is at the end."
Congratulations on you and Nick's wedding @zirochka!! How could you forget!!! I wish you two all the best for the future and that you can resume normal life again very soon. And also congrats on Nat's engagement. It is certainly a lovely event to look forward to.
I hope your plum cake will be ready soon!
It was just a necessary formality in case something happened to one of us. We put it off for several years. 😚
My cake is ready and I wish you could taste it as its taste is divine 😇😁
Eh, I so much wish my life to be normal again... I miss a peaceful life so much. But we must finish it, so that not to let our children to pay this debt. All will be good.
Of course it will be 💪
But I can't believe it's been six months already.....
Neither do I. And who knows how much is left, maybe another 6 months, or a year 🙁
That is one big plum cake!!!!
Yum,that looks delicious! Thanks for the update. I pray blessings for you and your country!
Thanks a lot, @violetmed
Displaying destroyed weapons of the enemy sounds like a perfect way to celebrate Independence Day. Blessings to Ukraine!
Congratulations on the wedding, although I feel it is absurd that we allow churches or governments to decide who is "officially" a couple and who is not. Love transcends all things, and I am so happy you and Nick have found each other! Congrats to your daughter, too! 😊
Agree, and this is a reason why we delayed this procedure for so long. But we live in a regulated world.. In case of something, it will be much easier for the other one to deal with all those legal things. Besides, we took a mortgage last year in my name (what a luck ya?) and I want it to be a common property.
And when I think of this, I wish my father could live till these days as Nick is a husband that he always wanted for me...
Thank you for your words, my dear! 🤗
Happy Independence Day of Ukraine! Stay safe!
Thank you!
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Hey @florian-glechner, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the
.Congratulations on you and Nick's marriage @zirochka. Perhaps it was a necessity but it's still lovely news. ❤️
Thank you @ellenriplay 🤗❤
Happy Independence day, you are looking wonderful :D
Thank.you, and Happy Independence Day to you too, dear!
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Hey @zirochka, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Congratulations to you and Nick! I wish you all the best and all the happiness in the world! You both deserve it. I wish the same to your daughter! I hope this crazy situation will end soon and you'll have the possibility for a honeymoon. ❤️
Nick and I don't think about honey moon but I wish so much a nice wedding and a honey moon for Nat and her future hubby. Life changes so fast and nothing is certain.Thank you, @erikah! This is so weird to wait so long, so many years, and choose this war time to get married. On the other hand, if not now, then when.
Thank you so much for dropping by!
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Hey @erikah, here is a little bit of from @zirochka for you. Enjoy it!Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.
Cheers 🍻Congratulations to @zirochka and Nick
Thank you! 🤗
You welcome
Congratulation! Wish you a happy and long life together!
Thank you!
Congratulations to both of you, Glad to know the update on Ukraine and looks it's getting better than before.
Speaking about Kyiv, yes, it's getting better, but in general, there is no turning point in the war yet. As long as the war continues, nothing is permanent or guaranteed
Just be careful guys, prayers always for your safety, hoping to end this soon.
Happy Independence Day! Stay safe!
Дякую, і навзаєм!
Just 50\50 :)
А нема такого варіанту відповіді ))
В житті всього значно більше, чим нам малює уява і пропонують соціальні норми.
Загалом так. Але ми схильні сприймати все або зі знаком +, або зі знаком -. Людині весь час потрібно робити оцінку, щоб знати, чи є небезпека життю, наприклад, чи навпаки, це щось корисне для виживання. Зараз частіше за все ці оцінки постійно коливаються туди-сюди, від мінуса до плюса, і з цим нічого не поробиш. Зранку він наполовину порожній, а до вечора це може ще кілька разів змінитись )
Інше бачення, якщо він 50/50 то він 50/50 не зважаючи на все що нас оточує (соціум, емоції, погода, фізичний стан). Я прагну колись дійти до цього бачення. А поки, все диктують емоції і він то повний, то пустий :)
Тоді ви станете наближеним до самого Будди... 😉
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