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RE: August 24 - Independence Day of Ukraine and Exactly Six Months of War

in #mywartimediary3 years ago

Yes @zirochka ...

"This should not happen in any country, because you're right and I agree, if we don't learn our past lessons, the story will repeat itself."

... this is the sad truth. From the beginning of time, I believe men (mankind) have been broken against the "Law of Sowing and Reaping." We just don't seem to want to learn that, yes, we are free to make decisions. To choose what we think is in our best interest.

But ...

What we are not free to do is determine the all-important consequences of our choices. I believe (others can, of course, believe whatever they wish) it is God who makes that determination.

Which, as you say, brings us to another famous quote:

"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." - Winston Churchill


Such is the modern world. We have thousands of channels of information, it covers us like a tsunami and distorts our thoughts and feelings. We are not able to think critically, to filter all this, no time, no resource, no will. We see many fragments, but we do not see the whole picture. And when we make decisions, they are not always conscious.
