Chaos Greek Mythology

in #mythology3 years ago

Chaos is not the opposite of order, disorder is the opposite of order.
It's literally the same word with "dis-" added to signify opposite/lack of. Similarly we had greco-roman gods Concordia and Discordia for order and disorder, Chaos (χάος) is something else.
It might seem like a pointless uphill battle to keep telling people that chaos isn't what they think it is. I could use another word to express the idea I have. But my goal with actually using the word chaos is to show them that the system they think of as a duality / yin-yang / pair of opposites bullshit is really just a single homogenous thing and its parts and consequences.
When people try to imagine the sum of order and disorder they think of something like harmony or infinity or w/e. That is the idea I'm trying to challenge by saying that it is chaos, a big void-ish something from which all other things came. This thing follows no rules - rules are local, temporal, small. The larger part of the world you look at, the less rules hold, and when you look at all of the world, no rules hold - that is chaos. All of the world, Everything.
Think of how the laws of one US state may not be true in all states, but Federal laws are observed everywhere. International law is another step. But that is still human-made. Laws of the universe would be several steps above.
This isn't new either, in Greek mythology all gods, titans and stuff were birthed from/made of chaos. People usually interpret it as "the children killed the parent and took the power". But that's how kings and lords work, not how deductive systems with axioms work.

These shapes are the properties and the limitations of any object. Order and disorder both have a shape, although very basic, very abstract - many many things can fit one or even both of them. But chaos? Chaos has no shape. A void, empty shape. A shape that anything and everything fits, it has no properties of its own that would contradict any shape. That's why everything is made of chaos, even laws, rules and shapes, matter, space and gods. This "everything" is stronger than any part of it, because no matter how strong a part is, whatever it does it will remain part of everything. Even if you (as a part) fight everything, you do so because "everything" wants to fight itself.