
Yes another money grab. Same game new card graphics. The only reason this game has 6 cards instead of 10 is he couldn't get 10 cheap enough.

The fact he refuses to accept FARM for splinterlands but expects other games to accept it says a lot.

There is a reason the games are called farm and it isn't because you are farming, it is him.

another ponzi scheme, I'm tired to be honest with hive "games"

it really is, and it's clear he wants to crank these out as it is easy money for him.

It indeed seems to be a money grab, but on the other hand - where would Hive be without Splinterlands and Hive-Engine? Actually it is a win-win situation and we urgently need more "money grabbers" aka business men like @aggroed on this ecosystem to make it prosper financially. The best blockchain leads nowhere without success stories. Look around, we are no longer the only social platform that incentivizes users. We need to provide more and the 2nd layer is so far the only promising next step (or start with some proper marketing, but this seems not feasible since 4 years for reasons I don´t know). Either grow or perish. What is your alternative to grow?

How about all the people that buy into this bullshit farming a worthless FARM token Aggroed says has $1 value but no one would give you that not even him.

Keep creating an ecosystem that uses the $1 rate, and that's what it is. Eventually throw enough mud around and you might end up with a fun fort to play in.

There can´t be only winners. If someone wants to play, he has to pay for it. In the past I was used to to pay for all games, only since recently people believe they can buy a game and earn with it!

And FARM (surprisingly) IS worth >1$ currently.

This was exactly what I was about to say!

The fact that they are even calling this farmfarmer nonsense a game is just a disgrace.
Coming from the guy behind Splinterlands it really makes me think if it's still a smart move to be somewhat invested there especially since the game turned full pay2win taking most of the fun out of it.