I'm not sure where these came from...
So, there I was, out in the gardening preparing the soil for a few attempts at growing some winter crops. I was removing debris, uprooting weeds, and disturbing the soil a bit.
Suddenly, I pulled something up from the earth! Shortly after, I found a few more. Where in the world?...
In the end, I had 5 potatoes. I know that it's not a lot, but still, it's five more potatoes than I had when I awoke. It looks like there were three Russets and two Baby Red potatoes hiding under the soil.
My favorite part about discovering this buried treasure was that so far they are an unsolved mystery. As far as I know, I never planted any potatoes this year.
Back in Wisconsin, I had a friend who liked to grow potatoes just because it was like looking for buried treasure come harvest time. I can certainly relate to the feeling, and I'd say the excitement is increased when you aren't even expecting to find some!
I can say for sure that I did grow potatoes in the area that these were found last year, but I definitely did not this year. I guess I must have missed a few potatoes during the harvest last year and they regrew this year, to bless us with a few more potatoes.
That's part of why I enjoy gardening. Often, it's a gift that keeps on going. Looks like we had a few more volunteers in the garden this year, as these plants chose to grow on their own! Have any of you ever found hidden potatoes in an area that you weren't expecting to find them?
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
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Yep my father use to grow in our small city garden in London, after he had passed and we were digging in order to pave the garden to our surprise we found several potatoes it was weird as my dad had been dead 4 years by then. We guessed it was a gift and also a message to let us know he was well I will never forget we were stunned as none of us grew anything after that. In 2014 I decided to start growing my own food and sadly never picked up any growing skill from papa while he was alive but I think I'm a born natural gardener lol. @papa-pepper thank you so much for this post it touched my soul love n light to you.
Very glad to hear I brought back such memories.
Anyone that tends the land has soul that's why I follow you and the great post.
I spent all the summers as a kid in a farm and the potatoes and vegies are from another world, the flavors are so intence
Nothing beats spending time on the Farm with veggies and Fruits to leave with after the long day.
We get random crops in the garden all the time. Last year it was a whole bunch of romaine lettuce that popped up from where a lettuce plant that had gone to seed had been placed after being pulled up. The seeds wintered over and as I was prepping the garden in the spring I found a whole bed of lettuce sprouted and flourishing. Surprise!
I tried scattering seeds last fall on purpose and didn't get anything in the spring this year. Gardens are funny that way, eh?
I love volunteers in my garden. I even promote it. Almost all vegetables grow best when mixed and not monocropped. Whenever I dig up my potatoes, I always leave the itty bitty ones on the dead plant and cover them with soil, then forget about them. In the spring, when I till the soil and get ready to plant, I've totally forgotten about them. But when they sprout, I recognize the potaot plant and am careful not to weed it out. These single, widely spaced potato plants always produce the biggest potatoes.
You can do this with practically any open pollinated plant. When my lettuce kale and chard go to seed, I pull up the mature plant and throw it out into the middle of my garden. Come spring, I have a million seedlings that I can dig up and plant in rows. They come up when they want to and are always the earliest edible plants in my garden. I'm lazy and a chronic procrastinator, so this method really works for me. This works for dill, carrots, lettuce, kale, chard, parsnips and almost any open-pollinated seeds. If you don't rototill the whole garden in the spring and carefully cultivate only where you want to plant, you'll have more volunteers than you know what to do with. You can even pot them up and sell them at the local farmer's market. Have fun.
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Good job bro.go ahead.resteemd it
Wow that's a nice find, planted me some two weeks ago ;-)
Cool! I'll have to start planting some every year myself, just so I can get more!
Just looking at the picks again they do look like sweet potatoes ...
Lol... Congrats on your new found harvest... That's part of the benefits of root and tuber crops (under earth foods) you really can't know what its hidden there .. It's full of surprises, and fun too unlike other crops, you can see it grow daily
Right, it reminds me of the movie Faith Like Potatoes. You don't know what you got until you look. Who knows what is hiding down there?
Lol ... I always love the suspense though
They regrow from being forgotten. They also grow if you throw one in compost pile or something.
I know! How cool is that? I love plants that are willing to do that!
This year when we dug some new potatoes, we reset the plants. It worked! They flowered and made more potatoes!
Very cool!
I hear for the first time that potatoes are compared to treasures) But this idea really pleases me!
Yes, I like that. They are hidden away in the earth for you to find! X marks the spot!
A large potato is definitely a treasure. When you raked the soil, you notice dry tops? If the potatoes lying in the ground since last year, it is better not to eat. But if he grew up this summer, then Yes, or you can leave it as seed for next year. Although usually a large potato is not suitable for planting. (I often grow potatoes, and put smaller fruit).
I do recall seeing some tops earlier in the year, so they grew this year. I just wasn't expecting them. Good advice though and thanks for the help!
Haha Today's food? french fries?
Kind of like bonus fries, these are bonus potatoes.
A McPotato?
Winking noise*
That is so cool!!
Is it possible to grow potatoes inside?
In a old aquarium or something like that?
Your posts always make me want to grow something other than cannabis haha!!
Have a nice day!!
Yes you can grow them in a old aquarium or a 5 gallon bucket.
Thanks!!!i think i am going to try it soon.
Have a nice day!!
That must be a sign for you to plant potatoes.
Perhaps I need to!
Perhaps.Potatoes can be your next gold. :)
Potatoes are like staple food here, very edible
Nice one there. Well done.
@papa-pepper, are you a farmer or what?
I do like to Garden.
ok, nice garden preparation. But what are you planing to sow in the garden?
I have volunteer potatoes EVERY year following a harvest as I don't see the tiny little buggers that end up back in the soil, buried, and free of frost over winter. They then pop up the next year and I find random spuds in my prior rows or near them.
Rando Potato Bonus

Wow your garden is just like some of the vote bots on Steemit. Bonus food tastes even better than votes. I know your hogs will agree!
haha, that's funny! My brain would be bothered by the problem.... not remembering doing it yet pondering the alternative and the infinite, yet less likely, possibilities.
Everyone should have their own garden and grow their own food ! To ground themselves literally with " mother earth " and reap her rewards ! You are are lucky you can @papa-pepper ! I think maybe you missed one last year and it laid dormant the winter and as the soil warmed it seeded and " voila " some free spuds for your soup ) upvoted )
Haha nothing like finding something for "free"
Also happenes to us every year. Every season we plant different potatoes and so have more and more variety, because the old stay in the ground and grow every season :-)
I had no idea this could happen; that's fun and pretty cool too.
I'm mostly Irish, so I think it means more to me, than most folks...
What a lovely surprise, just like manna from Heaven :)
We are living difficult times at home because of the economic situation of my country, but I have decided not to complain about it but to try to look for alternatives and one of them is to do my own orchard at home, I started with tomatoes, paprika and chives. Already since last year a friend gave us a banana tree and a week ago we got the harvest. I'm watching the potatoes but that if I find a little difficult. Anyway, thanks for sharing your experience.
You never know what treasures you'll find when redoing a garden space.
"I know that it's not a lot, but still, it's five more potatoes than I had when I awoke." Lol I love it. I often get excited about little unexpected blessings like this. Enjoy them!
volunteer plants are the very best!!
The best place to find volunteers is in the garden! Excellent find!
I'd be more surprised if you found them in a place where you had never planted potatoes, lol! Potatoes just want to produce -- it's good you let them grow during the summer. Enjoy your bonus crop!
I read this post, and it opened my eye to something I have never thought about before, nature sometimes leaves us beautiful gifts which we can only discover with a little hard work, but when we fail to work, those gifts could go to waste. I'm definitely going to work harder on my Steemit because here's my own garden and I'm going to discover my hidden treasure
Given half a chance potatoes will continue to self-propagate for years, one of the guys used the potato peelings as his seed.[ he had thicker peelings admitadly]