Tuesday the 14th of Aug 2018 : Went hunting down some dirt roads at 0600/6am.
We went back to the river to see if the grouse came back, but it didn’t. So we headed to a long dirt road. Took us 30 mins to get three grouse.
All taken with head shots, shooting them in the breast is pointless and a waste. Their heads are the size of a quarter.
The boys shot two, I got one. Once home all three kids cleaned and processed the birds.
You can see the age difference in the grouse by the color of the meat.
We need to go back out and get more. Limit is 15 a day, per person, 30 in possession.
The season opens in early August and closes in late winter early spring before nesting season.
I know it’s not a lot of photos, but if you all want I can go back and take a picture of the dirt road if ya want. LOL
Hope you all are well, deer season should be opening soon in the states. I hope to see some of that!
We will be doing a lot of hunting in the coming weeks and months.
Also road kill season, last year we got three road kills. Two by train, one was a calf that was hit by a semi, that one was bad.
I love road kills! :) enjoy that nice happy and free meat! :)
IT tastes so much better too
ooooh yeh! i was reading yesterdays post, do you live in the city?!
Nope about an hour and a half away from a city. Half hour in both direction to a town.
I was going to say! :)
I gotta sleep now, it was great to see your hunt!
K, night 😴
Glad you enjoyed our adventure
A family of sharp shooters.....fantastic! Awesome job and I think the use of pictures was perfect. Dark meat the older ones right?
Yup normally the darker meat is the older birds.
Or it’s a different kind of grouse, roughed grouse veses a spruce grouse.
Easiest way to tell is the feathers on the feet, like the one in the middle.
The white breast came from the smaller bird on the far right. So I am thinking it’s because of age.
Surprising how much meat you get from them....Also surprising is the difference in colour of the breast meat.
You should see the frog legs these guys have. Itty bitty legs, so it’s only worth taking the breast. But if the SHTF you could get maybe a bit or two on each leg.
I think the color is because of age.
Not bad. 15 per person is quite a bit to bring in. Hunting season's just started. Bets of luck to you and yours!
Thanks 😊
It is a lot, but we have never limited. Normally just a few at a time, but I’m good with that.
Good luck this season!