
@joeyarnoldvn. I have noticed several comments from you of just a word or two. Like the two comments above. It could perhaps be said that they spam, appearing you are commenting just for the sake of rewards. Perhaps i am wrong. Appearances can be deceptive. Anyway, i in-courage you to make longer more meaningful comments brother.

Peace be with you.

Are you trying to boss me?

Are you applying for a job? :-)

i'm not offering any jobs. Been there, done that, didn't like it much after the novelty wore of and the problems that came with it got bigger.
i am offering opportunities though. Love opportunities. Peace opportunities. Conscious growth opportunities. Abundance opportunities. Integral Opportunities.

Feel free to dive in deeply, or to skim the surface. We all get to make choices in this dream of life. Apparently!


You say I don't write a lot but I do. But you would have to look at what I write to see that.

I've read several of your posts Joey, that's why i followed you. You share some good stuff. Thank you.

I do try to write longer comments to some people sometimes and I sometimes want to simply say hi to some people and I contemplate saying more but then I move on to doing other things.

No worries brother. All is good. I just made an observation. And it was only from my very limited point of view. Please don't take offence. Ultimately i know nothing!

You might however like to read a very interesting thread going on here with some very long comments. Perhaps you would like to join in and help us revolutionise the world to make it a better place to live for all beings :-)

Peace and Love

Why would I get rewarded for spam? If something is spam, then how could I make money from it?